
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

6.4.4 Saving a customized Visual Monitoring window at the local host

You can save as a CSV file at the local host a Visual Monitoring window that was customized in the Visual Monitoring (Editing) window. You do this when you want to temporarily suspend the Visual Monitoring window creation process, or you want to save a backup of a customized Visual Monitoring window.

To save a customized Visual Monitoring window at the local host:

  1. Choose Save Visual Monitoring Data.

    In the Visual Monitoring (Editing) window, on the toolbar, click [Figure].

  2. Save the Visual Monitoring window under a desired file name in any folder.

    When the Save Visual Monitoring Data window appears, specify a desired folder name and file name, and then save the Visual Monitoring window.