
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

5.12.1 Creating the definition files

To display user-specific event attributes, you must create a definition file for the extended event attributes as well as a definition file for objects types. This subsection describes these files.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Definition file for the extended event attributes

In the definition file for the extended event attributes, define only those event attributes that you want to display as details from among all the event attributes set for the user-specific events that are to be displayed. There is no need to define the basic attributes and the common information of the extended attributes because these attributes are set automatically. Define only the user-specific information. The following shows the storage location for the definition file for the extended event attributes.

In Windows:


In the case of cluster operation, the storage location is shared-folder\jp1cons\conf\console\attribute\.



In the case of cluster operation, the storage location is shared-directory/jp1cons/conf/console/attribute/.

When the definitions take effect:

The definitions take effect when JP1/IM - Manager is restarted.

For details about the definition file for the extended event attributes, see Definition file for extended event attributes in Chapter 2. Definition Files in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

JP1/IM provides the jcoattrfcheck command for checking the definition file for the extended event attributes. For details about this command, see jcoattrfcheck in Chapter 1. Commands in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

Example of definition:

This example defines in the definition file for the extended event attributes the user-specific events that are issued by the SAMPLE application. This definition file defines the attributes of all JP1 events that are issued by a single application. This sample defines the JP1 events with event IDs 00000001 and 00000002 that are issued by the SAMPLE application. The example uses the following file name:


This file name indicates that this is the SAMPLE application for a company named company.

The following shows an example definition file for the extended event attributes.

Figure 5‒1: Example of definition file for the extended event attributes


(2) Definition file for objects types

You define in the definition file for objects types the extended attributes of the user-specific events that you want to display, and the items that are to be displayed in Object type and Root object type in JP1/IM - View windows (such as the Severe Event Definitions window and Event Acquisition Settings window). This definition file is required in order to display detailed information about JP1 events. The following shows the storage location for the definition file for objects types.

In Windows:


In the case of cluster operation, the storage location is shared-folder\jp1cons\conf\console\object_type\.



In the case of cluster operation, the storage location is shared-directory/jp1cons/conf/console/object_type/.

When the definition takes effect:

The definition takes effect when JP1/IM - View is restarted.

For details about the definition file for objects types, see Definition file for object types in Chapter 2. Definition Files in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

Example of definition:

This example defines in the definition file for objects types the user-specific events that are issued by the SAMPLE application. Because this example adds new information to ROOT_OBJECT_TYPE and OBJECT_TYPE, the information must be defined in the object definition file.

This example uses the following file name:


This file name indicates that this is the SAMPLE application for a company named company.

The following shows an example definition file for objects types:


# extended-attribute-value, list-display-character-string, comment

ROOT_SAMPLE, ROOT_SAMPLE //Sample's root object name

SAMPLE, SAMPLE //Sample's object name
