
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

5.11 Setting the display and specification of program-specific extended attributes

This section explains how to specify the settings for displaying any item names for program-specific extended attributes in the events list in the Event Console window and in the Event Details window and specifying any item names for program-specific extended attributes in event conditions.

  1. Change the name of the definition file for extended event attributes (extended file).

    When JP1/IM - Manager is installed, a template file for definition files for extended event attributes (extended file) is stored. A definition file for extended event attributes (extended file) is provided for each operating language of JP1/IM - Manager. Rename the file for the corresponding language by deleting template_ at the beginning of the file name.

    The following table shows the storage locations of the definition files for extended event attributes (extended file).

    Table 5‒8: Storage locations of definition files for extended event attributes (extended file)


    Storage location


    Physical host


    Logical host



    Physical host


    Logical host


    The following table shows the file name for each operating language and the file name after the change.

    Table 5‒9: File names of definition files for extended event attributes (extended file)


    Stored file name

    File name after the change










  2. Edit the definition file for extended event attributes (extended file).

    In the definition file for extended event attributes (extended file) of JP1/IM - Manager, define item names for program-specific extended attributes. The following parameters must be edited:

    attr name="E.attribute-name",  title="item-name";

    The following is an example definition:

    @encode UTF-8
    @file type="extended-attributes-definition", version="0300";
    @define-block type="event-attr-def";
    attr name="E.SYSTEM",  title="System Name";
    attr name="E.ROLE ",   title="Server Usage";

    For details about the definition file for extended event attributes (extended file), see Definition file for extended event attributes (extended file) in Chapter 2. Definition Files in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

    JP1/IM provides the jcoattrfcheck command to check the contents of a definition file for extended event attributes (extended file). For details about this command, see jcoattrfcheck in Chapter 1. Commands in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

  3. Execute the jco_spmd_reload command to apply the definition file for extended event attributes (extended file) to JP1/IM - Manager.

    If JP1/IM - Manager is running, execute the jco_spmd_reload command to apply the definition file for extended event attributes (extended file) to JP1/IM - Manager. If JP1/IM - Manager is not running, the definition file for extended event attributes (extended file) is applied to JP1/IM - Manager when JP1/IM - Manager starts.

    For details about the jco_spmd_reload command, see jco_spmd_reload in Chapter 1. Commands in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

  4. Log in to JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console) from JP1/IM - View.

    When you log in to JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console) from JP1/IM - View, the contents of the definition file for extended event attributes (extended file) defined in JP1/IM - Manager are applied to the JP1/IM - View window. If JP1/IM - View is already connected at the time the definition file for extended event attributes (extended file) is applied to JP1/IM - Manager, you must restart JP1/IM - View.

To display the item names set for program-specific extended attributes in the events list, you must add the item names to the display items in the Preferences window. For details, see 6.9.1 Displaying program-specific extended attributes of JP1 events (displaying program-specific extended attributes) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide.


If you have defined program-specific extended attributes in the definition file for extended event attributes (extended file), you can assign one column to each program-specific extended attribute in the same manner as with basic attributes, shared extended attributes, and IM attributes when JP1 events are output to event reports in CSV format. To set whether the function for assigning one column to each program-specific extended attribute is to be enabled, use the PROGRAM_SPECIFIC_EX_ATTR_COLUMN parameter in the environment definition file for event report output (evtreport.conf). This function is enabled when you perform a new installation. If you have upgraded from version 10-50 or earlier, this function is disabled. If necessary, configure the environment definition file for event report output.

For details about the environment definition file for event report output, see Environment definition file for event report output (evtreport.conf) in Chapter 2. Definition Files in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.