
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

5.5.5 Setting email transmissions

To specify the settings for using the email notification function of JP1/IM - Manager:

  1. Configure the communication environment.

    • Name resolution of the mail server host

      Configure one of the files below so that the host name of the SMTP server name and POP3 server name can be resolved.

      The files are referenced in the following order:

      - The jp1hosts file in JP1/Base on the manager host

      - The jp1hosts2 file in JP1/Base on the manager host

      - The hosts file or DNS

      You can use only an IPv4 address to specify the IP address of the mail server.

    • Firewall settings

      Set the firewall passage direction to allow the jimmail command and the mail server to perform SMTP/POP3 communication.

      For details about the firewall settings, see 9.3.1 Basic information about firewalls.

  2. Define a notification email.

    Define the command line of the jimmail command to create a notification email.

    An example of defining a notification email in automated action is shown below:

    jimmail.exe -to -s "[severity:$EVSEV] Error occurrence notice" -b "An error occurred in the business server.\n---\n Serial number=$EVSEQNO\n Occurrence date/time=$EVDATE $EVTIME\n Event ID=$EVIDBASE\n Severity=$EVSEV\n Product name=$EV"PRODUCT_NAME"\n Message=$EVMSG\n---\nFrom:IM-M Host ($ACTHOST)"

    For details about the jimmail command, see jimmail (Windows 3only) in Chapter 1. Commands in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

  3. Open the email environment definition file by using a text editor.

    • For a physical host:


    • For a logical host:


  4. Set the items shown in the following table in the email environment definition file:

    Parameter name

    Setting item

    Necessity to set



    Character set of email


    The following is an example of character sets that can be specified:

    • iso-2022-jp

    • shift_jis

    • euc-jp

    • utf-8

    • iso-8859-1

    • us-ascii

    • GB18030

    The default value is iso-8859-1.


    Transmission-source email address


    Specify one address in the range from 1 to 256 bytes.

    Usable characters are:

    • 0-9, a-z (single-byte alphanumeric character)

    • @ (at sign)

    • . (period)

    • - (hyphen)

    • _ (underscore)


    Default transmission-destination email address


    Specify the default email address to which an email is transmitted. If the -to option is specified in the jimmail command, the -to option has priority.


    SMTP server host name


    Specify the host name or IP address of the SMTP server to be connected at email transmission. Only IPv4 is supported. Multiple SMTP servers cannot be specified.


    SMTP port number


    Specify the port number of a communication port of the SMTP server.

    This item is only enabled when NONE or POP is specified in AuthMethod. The default value is 25.


    Authentication method at email transmission


    Specify the authentication method at email transmission.

    • NONE: No authentication

    • POP: POP-before-SMTP authentication

    • SMTP: SMTP-AUTH authentication (LOGIN/PLAIN)

    The default value is NONE.


    Submission port number for SMTP-AUTH authentication


    Specify the submission port number of a communication port for SMTP-AUTH authentication.

    This item is enabled only when SMTP is specified in AuthMethod.

    Specify a value in the range from 1 to 65535. The default value is 587.


    POP3 server host name


    This item is needed for POP-before-SMTP authentication.

    Specify the host name or IP address of the POP3 server to be used for POP-before-SMTP authentication. Only IPv4 is supported. Multiple values cannot be specified.


    POP3 port number


    Specify the port number of a communication port of the POP3 server to be used for POP-before-SMTP authentication.

    Specify a value in the range from 1 to 65535. The default value is 110.


    Authentication account name


    Specify an authentication account name to be used for POP-before-SMTP authentication or SMTP-AUTH authentication. Specify single-byte characters in the range from 1 to 255 bytes.


    Authentication password


    The value that is set by the jimmailpasswd command in step 5 is encrypted and set in this item.


    Network connection timeout time


    Specify a timeout time for the wait for the SMTP and POP3 servers to complete a connection. Specify the timeout time with a value in the range from 1,000 to 3,600,000 (milliseconds). The default value is 10,000 (milliseconds) (10 seconds).


    Communication timeout time


    Specify a timeout time until a response from the SMTP and POP3 servers is received with a value in the range from 1,000 to 3,600,000 (milliseconds). The default value is 10,000 (milliseconds) (10 seconds).


    Mail subject cutting setting


    Specify whether to cut the subject of an email and forcibly transmit the email if its subject exceeds the maximum length at email transmission.

    • OFF: The subject is not cut and an abnormal termination occurs.

    • ON: The subject is cut at 512 bytes and the email is transmitted.

    The default value is OFF.


    Line feed code of email


    Specify a line feed code to be used in the email body.

    • CRLF: CR (0x0d) + LF (0x0A)

    • LF: LF (0x0A)

    • CR: CR (0x0d)

    The default value is CRLF.


    Y: Required

    N: Optional

    For details about the email environment definition file, see Email environment definition file (jimmail.conf) in Chapter 2. Definition Files in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

  5. Set the authentication password by using the jimmailpasswd command.

    If the authentication method at email transmission that is set in the email environment definition file is POP-before-SMTP authentication or SMTP-AUTH authentication, set the POP3 authentication password or SMTP authentication password in the email environment definition file.

    For details about the jimmailpasswd command, see jimmailpasswd (Windows only) in Chapter 1. Commands in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

  6. Perform an email transmission test.

    Perform an email transmission test by executing the jimmail command to confirm whether the email transmission environment is correctly set. Transmit a test email on the command prompt and confirm that the jimmail command is terminated normally and the transmission-destination user can receive the email.

    An example of transmitting an email to is shown below:

    $ jimmail -to -s IMTestMail -b IMTestMail