
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

5.2.4 Settings for event acquisition filters

This subsection describes how to set only one event acquisition filter and how to set an event acquisition filter by switching the filter conditions. Event acquisition filters are set regardless of whether the integrated monitoring database is being used.

The event acquisition filters described here are used to limit the JP1 events that will be distributed to all the services of JP1/IM - Manager.

For details about how to set an event acquisition filter (for compatibility), see 5.2.4(4) Setting an event acquisition filter (for compatibility).

Organization of this subsection

(1) Setting only one event acquisition filter

This subsection explains how to set only one filter condition that is to be applied when JP1/IM - Manager acquires events from the JP1/Base event database. In order to start the System Environment Settings window, you need JP1_Console_Admin permission.

If reference and operation restrictions are set on business groups, you might not be able to set the event acquisition filter depending on the combinations of JP1 resource groups and JP1 permission levels. For details, see 4.1.4(2) Assigning a JP1 resource group and permission level to a JP1 user in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

To set only one event acquisition filter:

  1. Select a JP1 event from the events list to use its attribute value as the condition.

  2. In the Event Console window, choose Options, and then System Environment Settings.

    The System Environment Settings window appears.

  3. In A filter is being applied, click the Configure button.

    The Event Acquisition Settings window appears.

    To edit an existing event acquisition filter, select the desired event acquisition filter from the drop-down list in Event acquisition conditions, and then click the Configure button. Details of the selected event acquisition filter are displayed in the Event Acquisition Settings window to enable you to edit the settings.

  4. In the Event Acquisition Settings window, specify the filter settings.

    In the Event Acquisition Settings window, you can specify the following settings:

    • Filter name and filter ID

      If you are creating a new event acquisition filter, specify a name for the filter. The smallest filter ID that is available in the list of event acquisition conditions is automatically assigned to the filter.

      To edit an event acquisition filter, the name and ID of the event acquisition filter to be edited are displayed. You can edit the filter name and filter ID. Note that simply changing the filter name or filter ID does not result in creation of a new event acquisition filter. An existing filter name or filter ID cannot be specified.

    • Condition group

      Specify a name for a group of conditions in order to distinguish sets of pass conditions or exclusion-conditions. Note that the same name cannot be assigned to a pass-conditions group and an exclusion-conditions group.

      You can set a maximum of 30 pass-conditions groups and 30 exclusion-conditions groups. The relationship between condition groups is the OR condition.

      To set condition groups, you must click the Show List button to keep List displayed.

      To add a condition group: Click the Add button to add an unnamed Condition group n (n: number).

      To copy a condition group: Select a condition group and then click the Copy button to add Copy selected-condition-group-name.

      To delete a condition group: Select a condition group and then click the Delete button to delete the selected condition group.

      To rename a condition group: Select a condition group to display its name in Condition group name. Edit this name and move the focus to rename the condition group.

    • To set conditions (detailed settings for a condition group)

      Specify pass conditions or exclusion-conditions for the filter.

      You can combine multiple conditions, in which case the relationship between conditions is the AND condition.

      The items that you can specify include source host, event level (or JP1/SES event), object type, object name, root object type, root object name, occurrence, user name, message, product name, action, and event ID.

      To apply the attribute value of the JP1 event selected from the Event Console window to the conditions list, click the Read From Selected Event button.

  5. Click the OK button.

    The Event Acquisition Settings window closes and the System Environment Settings window is displayed again.

  6. Click the Apply button.

    The specified settings take effect.

(2) Setting an event acquisition filter by switching the filter conditions

This subsection explains how to set an event acquisition filter by switching the filter conditions that are used when JP1/IM - Manager acquires events from the JP1/Base event database.

To set an event acquisition filter by switching, you first display the Event Acquisition Conditions List window from the System Environment Settings window, and then set the event acquisition filter. This method enables you to create a new event acquisition filter by editing, copying, or deleting an existing event acquisition filter.

In order to start the System Environment Settings window, you need JP1_Console_Admin permission. If reference and operation restrictions are set on business groups, you might not be able to set event acquisition filters depending on the combinations of JP1 resource groups and JP1 permission levels. For details, see 4.1.4(2) Assigning a JP1 resource group and permission level to a JP1 user in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

To set an event acquisition filter by switching:

  1. In the Event Console window, choose Options, and then System Environment Settings.

    The System Environment Settings window appears.

  2. In Event acquisition conditions, click the Editing list button.

    The Event Acquisition Conditions List window appears.

  3. To edit, copy, or delete an existing event acquisition filter, select the desired event acquisition filter from Filter list.

  4. Click the Add, Edit, Copy, or Delete button, as appropriate.

    When you click the Add button:

    The Event Acquisition Settings window is displayed so that you can set a new event acquisition filter.

    When you click the Edit button:

    The Event Acquisition Settings window is displayed to enable you to edit the event acquisition filter selected in step 3. For an overview of the settings that can be specified in the Event Acquisition Settings window, see 5.2.4(1) Setting only one event acquisition filter.

    When you click the Copy button:

    The selected event acquisition filter is copied and then added to Filter list. Copy is added to the beginning of the name of the copied event acquisition filter. The name of the copied event acquisition filter cannot be changed here.

    To rename the event acquisition filter, use the Event Acquisition Settings window that is displayed by clicking the Edit button.

    When you click the Delete button:

    The selected event acquisition filter is deleted.

  5. Click the OK button.

    The Event Acquisition Conditions List window closes and the System Environment Settings window is displayed again.

  6. Click the Apply button.

    The specified settings take effect.

(3) Setting common exclusion-conditions

This subsection explains how to set common exclusion-conditions to temporarily exclude JP1 events that are issued by a host undergoing maintenance from the acquisition target or automated-action execution. Two operating modes are available for common exclusion-conditions: basic mode and extended mode. Use the jcochcefmode command to switch between basic and extended as the operating mode. You must use extended mode if you want to use common exclusion-conditions to exclude JP1 events from automated-action execution.

To set common exclusion-conditions, for basic mode, use the Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings window. For extended mode, use the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window. For extended mode, you can also use the common-exclusion-conditions extended definition file and the jcochfilter command with the -ef option to set common exclusion-conditions. For details about how to enable or disable common exclusion-conditions, see 6.5.3 Switching the event acquisition filter to be applied in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide.

In extended mode, you can register a common exclusion-condition by selecting and right-clicking a JP1 event that you do not want to monitor in the Event Console window and choosing Exclude by Common Exclusion-Conditions from the pop-up menu.

The registered common exclusion-condition is displayed in the System Environment Settings window as an additional common exclusion-condition. If you are in basic mode and you want to register a common exclusion-condition from the Event Console window, see 5.2.4(3)(a) Switching between common exclusion-conditions basic mode and extended mode and switch to extended mode. Then add a common exclusion-condition. For details about how to add common exclusion-conditions, see 6.5.4 Setting an additional common exclusion-condition to exclude a JP1 event from the monitoring target or action execution in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide.

The method of editing an additional common exclusion-condition is the same as that of editing a common exclusion-condition. See 5.2.4(3)(b) Setting common exclusion-conditions (by using the Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings window or the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window) to edit an additional common exclusion-condition.

(a) Switching between common exclusion-conditions basic mode and extended mode

To switch the common exclusion-conditions operating mode:

  1. Stop JP1/IM - Manager.

  2. When you change the common exclusion-conditions operating mode from basic mode to extended mode, change the regular expressions of JP1/Base to extended regular expressions.

    For details about extended regular expressions, see the explanation of how to extend regular expressions in the JP1/Base User's Guide.

    If you changed the common exclusion-conditions operating mode from extended mode to basic mode, go to step 3.

  3. Execute either of the following commands:

    • To switch from basic mode to extended mode:

      jcochcefmode -m extended

    • To switch from extended mode to basic mode:

      jcochcefmode -m normal

    The common exclusion-conditions operating mode is changed.

  4. Start JP1/IM - Manager.

For details about the jcochcefmode command, see jcochcefmode in Chapter 1. Commands in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

(b) Setting common exclusion-conditions (by using the Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings window or the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window)

The following describes how to use the Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings window (for basic mode) or the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window (for extended mode) to set common exclusion-conditions.

In order to start the System Environment Settings window, you need JP1_Console_Admin permission. If reference and operation restrictions are set on business groups, you might not be able to set common exclusion-conditions depending on the combinations of JP1 resource groups and JP1 permission levels. For details, see 4.1.4(2) Assigning a JP1 resource group and permission level to a JP1 user in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

To set common exclusion-conditions:

  1. In the Event Console window, choose Options, and then System Environment Settings.

    The System Environment Settings window appears.

  2. To edit existing common exclusion-conditions, select their common exclusion-conditions group name, and then in Common exclusion-conditions groups, click the Configure button.

    The Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings window appears. Proceed to step 4.

  3. To define new common exclusion-conditions, click the Editing list button.

    The Event Acquisition Conditions List window appears.

    In the Event Acquisition Conditions List window, you can add, edit, copy, and delete common exclusion-conditions. For basic mode, you can specify a maximum of 30 common exclusion-conditions groups. For extended mode, you can specify a maximum of 2,500 common exclusion-conditions groups. The relationship between condition groups is the OR condition.

    • Adding a condition group: Click the Add button to display the Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings window in order to set a new common exclusion-conditions group.

    • Editing a condition group: Click the Edit button to display the Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings window. You can edit the selected common exclusion-conditions group.

    • Copying a condition group: Select a common exclusion-conditions group and then click the Copy button to add Copy selected-condition-group-name.

    • Deleting a condition group: Select a common exclusion-conditions group and then click the Delete button to delete the selected condition group.

  4. Set the conditions in the Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings window.

    • Common exclusion-conditions group ID

      From the drop-down list, select a common exclusion-conditions group ID.

      If you are adding common exclusion-conditions, the smallest common exclusion-conditions group ID that is available in the common exclusion-conditions groups list is assigned automatically to the common exclusion-conditions.

      If you are editing common exclusion-conditions, the common exclusion-conditions group ID selected from the common exclusion-conditions groups list is displayed.

      A duplicate common exclusion-conditions group ID cannot be specified.

      When you edit an additional common exclusion-condition, you cannot specify a common exclusion-conditions group ID.

    • Common exclusion-conditions group name

      Specify a name for the common exclusion-conditions group.

      If you have selected an existing common exclusion-conditions group and then renamed it, the group's name is overwritten by the new name.

    • Target for exclusion (only in the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window)

      Specify the exclusion target of the common exclusion-conditions group (extended).

      Select Do not acquire events to prevent a JP1 event from being acquired when the event satisfies the common exclusion-condition. Select Acquire events but do not execute automatic actions to exclude a JP1 event from automated-action execution when the event satisfies the common exclusion-condition.

    • Setting conditions (detailed settings for a condition group)

      Set conditions for the JP1 events that are to be excluded as acquisition targets.

      You can combine multiple conditions, in which case the relationship between conditions is the AND condition.

      You can select the following attributes.

    For basic mode

    Source host, Event level (or JP1/SES event), Object type, Object name, Root object type, Root object name, Occurrence, User name, Message, Product name, and Event ID

    For extended mode

    Event ID, Registered reason, Source process ID, Registered time, Arrived time, Source user ID, Source group ID, Source user name, Source group name, Source host, Source IP address, Message, Event level, User name, Product name, Object type, Object name, Root object type, Root object name, Object ID, Occurrence, Start time, End time, Return code, Event source host name, and Extended attribute

    Note that Event level is displayed as Original severity level when the severity changing function is enabled.

    To apply the attribute value of the JP1 event selected from the Event Console window to the conditions list, click the Read From Selected Event button.

  5. Click the OK button.

    The Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings window closes and the System Environment Settings window is displayed again.

  6. To apply the specified common exclusion-conditions, select the applicable check boxes under Apply.

  7. Click the Apply button.

    The specified settings take effect.

For details about the System Environment Settings window, the Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings window, and the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window, see the following sections in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference:

  • System Environment Settings window

    See 3.11 System Environment Settings window.

  • Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings window

    See 3.15 Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings window.

  • Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window

    See 3.16 Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window.

(c) Setting common exclusion-conditions (by using the common-exclusion-conditions extended definition file and the jcochfilter command)

For extended mode, you can use the common-exclusion-conditions extended definition file and the jcochfilter command with the -ef option to set common exclusion-conditions. For details of the setting method, see below.

  1. In the common-exclusion-conditions extended definition file, define condition groups.

  2. Execute the jcochfilter command to batch-apply the defined condition groups.

    Enter the command as follows:

    jcochfilter -ef name-of-common-exclusion-conditions-extended-definition-file

For details about the common-exclusion-conditions extended definition file, see Common-exclusion-conditions extended definition file in Chapter 2. Definition Files in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

For details about the jcochfilter command, see jcochfilter in Chapter 1. Commands in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

(4) Setting an event acquisition filter (for compatibility)

The following describes how to set the filter conditions when Event Console Service obtains events from Event Base Service. Note that the procedure described here can only be performed when event acquisition filters (for compatibility) are used.

If you set an event acquisition filter (for compatibility), it is used even when the integrated monitoring database is being used.

The procedure is described below. In order to start the System Environment Settings window, you need JP1_Console_Admin permission. If reference and operation restrictions are set on business groups, you might not be able to set event acquisition filters (for compatibility) depending on the combinations of JP1 resource groups and JP1 permission levels. For details, see 4.1.4(2) Assigning a JP1 resource group and permission level to a JP1 user in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

  1. In the Event Console window, choose Options, and then System Environment Settings.

    The System Environment Settings window appears.

  2. In the System Environment Settings window, in the Event acquisition conditions section, at the right of the drop-down list, click the Configure button.

    The Event Acquisition Settings window (for compatibility) appears.

  3. Set the filter conditions for obtaining events from Event Base Service.

    If you want to display JP1/SES events in the Event Console window, in the Event Acquisition Settings window (for compatibility), in the JP1/SES events section, select the Acquire check box.

    If you want to specify the event levels of JP1 events, in the Event Acquisition Settings window (for compatibility), select the Event level check box. Then select desired levels from Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Information, and Debug. If the Event level check box is not selected, all the events defined with event levels will be obtained.

    If you want to specify an event ID, in the Event Acquisition Settings window (for compatibility), select the Event ID check box and then specify the ID of a JP1 event. If you want to specify multiple event IDs, separate them by using a comma.

    The conditions that are specified here are passed to Event Base Service as an AND relationship of JP1/SES event and event ID or an AND relationship of event level and event ID.

  4. Click the OK button.

    The System Environment Settings window returns.

  5. Click the Apply button.

    The specified settings take effect.