
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

5.2.2 Settings for event receiver filters

You can limit the JP1 events that can be monitored by the user in the Event Console window.

The specified settings are applied to the events that are distributed to JP1/IM - View after you click the Apply button in the Settings for Event Receiver Filter window. A user for whom no event receiver filters have been set can monitor all JP1 events.

To set event receiver filters, you need JP1_Console_Admin permission. If reference and operation restrictions are set on business groups, you might not be able to set event receiver filters depending on the combinations of JP1 resource groups and JP1 permission levels. For details, see 4.1.4(2) Assigning a JP1 resource group and permission level to a JP1 user in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Creating a new event receiver filter

To create a new event receiver filter:

  1. If you use the attribute value of a JP1 event displayed in the events list as the view condition, select a JP1 event from the list.

  2. From the Event Console window, choose Options, and then Event Receiver Filter Settings.

    The Settings for Event Receiver Filter window appears.

    This window displays filter names and user names.

  3. Click the Add button.

    The Detailed Settings for Event Receiver Filter window appears.

  4. In the Detailed Settings for Event Receiver Filter window, specify filter settings.

    Specify the following settings in the Detailed Settings for Event Receiver Filter window:

    • Filter name

      Specify a name for the filter in order to distinguish setting conditions.

    • Name of the user subject to this filter

      Specify the name of the user who will be restricted by this filter. To enter multiple user names, separate the names with the comma.

      The same user cannot be subject to multiple filters.

    • Condition group

      Specify a name for a group of conditions in order to distinguish sets of pass conditions or exclusion-conditions.

      You can set a maximum of 30 pass-conditions groups and 30 exclusion-conditions groups. The relationship between condition groups is the OR condition.

      To set condition groups, you must click the Show List button to keep List displayed.

      To add a condition group: Click the Add button to add an unnamed Condition group n (n: number).

      To copy a condition group: Select a condition group and then click the Copy button to add Copy selected-condition-group-name.

      To delete a condition group: Select a condition group and then click the Delete button to delete the selected condition group.

      To rename a condition group: Select a condition group to display its name in Condition group name. Edit this name and move the focus to rename the condition group.

    • To set conditions (detailed settings for a condition group)

      Specify pass conditions or exclusion-conditions for the filter.

      You can combine multiple conditions, in which case the relationship between conditions is the AND condition.

      The items that you can specify include source host, event level, object type, object name, root object type, root object name, occurrence, user name, message, product name, event ID, status, action status, and program-specific extended attributes. If you enable event source host mapping, you can also specify event source host name.

      To apply the attribute value of the JP1 event selected from the Event Console window to the conditions list, click the Read From Selected Event button.

  5. Click the OK button.

    The Detailed Settings for Event Receiver Filter window closes and the Settings for Event Receiver Filter window is displayed again.

  6. Click the Apply button.

    The settings are applied.

(2) Changing an event receiver filter

To change the contents of an existing event receiver filter:

  1. If you use the attribute value of a JP1 event displayed in the events list as the view condition, select a JP1 event from the list.

  2. From the Event Console window, choose Options, and then Event Receiver Filter Settings.

    The Settings for Event Receiver Filter window appears.

  3. Select the event receiver filter to be changed, and then click the Edit button.

    The Detailed Settings for Event Receiver Filter window appears.

  4. In the Detailed Settings for Event Receiver Filter window, edit the filter settings.

    To apply the attribute value of the JP1 event selected from the Event Console window to the conditions list, click the Read From Selected Event button.

  5. Click the OK button.

    The Detailed Settings for Event Receiver Filter window closes and the Settings for Event Receiver Filter window is displayed again.

  6. Click the Apply button.

    The settings are applied.

(3) Deleting an event receiver filter

To delete an existing event receiver filter:

  1. From the Event Console window, choose Options, and then Event Receiver Filter Settings.

    The Settings for Event Receiver Filter window appears.

  2. Select the event receiver filter to be deleted, and then click the Delete button.

    The selected event receiver filter is deleted.

  3. Click the Apply button.

    The settings are applied.