
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

4.10 Setting up the suggestion function for response actions depending on the system status

The system administrator sets up the suggestion function for response actions depending on the system status, based on the operating procedures.

To set up the suggestion function:

  1. Create a suggestion definition file.

    When creating it, define the following:

    • Criteria for displaying response actions

      Define which IM management nodes the response actions are displayed in.

    • Criteria of the users which the response actions are displayed for

      Associate the response actions with the users which they are displayed for.

    • Criteria for suggesting the response actions

      Define when the response action is suggested, such as criteria for JP1 events, the number of time-series data sets, and command execution results.

    • What the response action does

      Define what the action does, such as execution of the REST API or product plug-in functions, and change in the event status.

  2. Use the jddupdatesuggestion command to apply the suggestion definition file you created to JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base).

    A suggestion icon now appears in the tree of the Integrated Operation Viewer, indicating that the defined IM management node has a suggestion. If the defined criteria for displaying the response action are satisfied, what the response action does and the information on the previous execution are displayed in the Suggestion tab of the Integrated Operation Viewer window.

For details about the suggestion definition file, see Suggestion definition file in Chapter 2. Definition Files in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.