
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

3.4.4 Using Central Scope to monitor business groups

This subsection describes how to use Central Scope to monitor business groups. Business groups that you want to apply to Central Scope can be applied only to a server-oriented tree.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Prerequisites

The following prerequisites must be satisfied to apply business group information and monitoring group information to the Central Scope monitoring tree.

(2) Applying business group information and monitoring group information to the Central Scope monitoring tree

Use either of the following methods to apply business group information and monitoring group information to the Central Scope monitoring tree.

Note that when you apply the hierarchy of business groups and monitoring groups to the Central Scope monitoring tree, the sequence in which hosts are displayed might change.


If you apply a business group definition to the central scope (view and jcfmkcsdata command), then toggle the host mapping functionality and change the default monitoring definition, and then apply the changes to the central scope - the monitoring definition created the first time you applied the definition will continue to be used. If you want to use a new default monitoring definition, apply the changes after deleting the business tree of the central scope.

(a) Applying information from the IM Configuration Management window

  1. In the IM Configuration Management window, from the menu bar, choose Operation, Business Group, and then Apply to Central Scope Monitoring Tree.

    Business group information and monitoring group information are applied to the Central Scope monitoring tree.

(b) Importing business group information and monitoring group information

  1. Export business group information and monitoring group information.

    On the manager running IM Configuration Management, execute the jcfexport command to export the business group information and monitoring group information registered in the IM Configuration Management database.

    • When exporting only business group information and monitoring group information

      Execute the jcfexport command with the -g option.

    • When exporting all the information managed by IM Configuration Management

      Execute the jcfexport command with the -a option.

    For details about the information managed by IM Configuration Management that is exportable, see 8.8.1 Types of information that can be imported or exported in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

  2. Export the monitoring tree information of Central Scope.

    On the same manager, execute the jcsdbexport command to export the monitoring tree information of Central Scope.

  3. Merge the exported business group information and monitoring group information and the monitoring tree information of Central Scope.

    On the same manager, run the jcfmkcsdata command with the -g option specified to merge the exported business group information, monitoring group information, and Central Scope monitoring tree information.

  4. Import the information merged in step 3 to Central Scope.

    On the same manager, execute the jcsdbimport command to import the exported business group information and monitoring group information. The monitoring tree of business groups and monitoring groups is added to the Central Scope monitoring tree.