
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

2.17.1 Configuring SSH (for UNIX)

This subsection describes how to configure SSH when the JP1/IM - Manager host is running in a UNIX environment. SSH uses public-key cryptography for authentication.

To establish SSH connections, you need to:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Configuring an SSH server

To configure an SSH server, follow the procedure below. OS settings and commands may vary depending on the OS version. For details, see the manual for each OS and the release notes for JP1/IM - Manager.

  1. Log on to the remotely monitored host as a user with root privileges.

  2. Open sshd_config.

    For Linux or AIX: /etc/ssh/sshd_config

  3. Set yes for PubkeyAuthentication#1.

  4. Set no for UseDNS#1, #2.

  5. Set yes for PermitRootLogin#1.

    Perform this step only when you are logged on as a user with root privileges to collect information.

  6. Execute one of following commands to restart the sshd service.

    The following describes the command to be executed for each OS.

    • For Linux (Linux 9 example)

      systemctl restart sshd.service

    • For AIX (AIX 7.3 example)

      stopsrc -s sshd

      startsrc -s sshd


For details about the items to be set and how to set them in sshd_config, see the documentation for your SSH server.


If you do not set these items, make sure that the monitored host can perform name resolution as follows.

  • The monitored host can resolve the IP address of the manager host to the host name.

  • The IP address resolved from the host name of the manager host matches the IP address of the manager host.

If you are using a DNS server for name resolution and the monitored host cannot connect to the DNS server, the startup of remote-monitoring log file traps or the collection of log files might be delayed. If a delay occurs, the startup of traps or the collection of log files might time out and fail. To prevent this problem, we recommend that you set no for UseDNS.

(2) Initially creating keys

Log on to the JP1/IM - Manager host in the UNIX environment as a user with root privileges and execute the ssh-keygen command to create keys. This procedure needs to be performed only the first time you create keys.

You can choose the type of keys (RSA or DSA).

  1. Log on as a user with root privileges.

  2. Execute the ssh-keygen command.

    Enter the command as follows:

    • When creating RSA keys: ssh-keygen -t rsa

    • When creating DSA keys: ssh-keygen -t dsa

  3. Determine the names of the file in which the private key will be stored and the directory that will hold the file.

    The path and the file name must not contain multibyte characters. The default setting is ~/.ssh/id_rsa.

  4. Press the Return key twice.

    When you are prompted to enter the passphrase for the private key, enter nothing and press the Return key. When you are prompted again, enter nothing and press the Return key again.

    The following is an execution example of the ssh-keygen -t rsa command.

    [root@HOST]$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

    Generating public/private rsa key pair.

    Enter file in which to save the key (/home/ssh-user/.ssh/id_rsa):

    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):

    Enter same passphrase again:

    Your identification has been saved in /home/ssh-user/.ssh/id_rsa.

    Your public key has been saved in /home/ssh-user/.ssh/

    The key fingerprint is:

    ax:xx:xx:xx:xx:bx:xx:xc:xx:xx:xx:xd:xd:xa:ed:xx root@HOST

  • Manage private keys with the utmost care. In addition, grant appropriate access privileges so that the private key file is not accessed by OS users without administrator privileges.

  • The creation of keys (public key and a private key pair) does not depend on any environment or tool. You can create keys in any environment using any tool. However, after you create keys, you must place the private keys and public keys in the appropriate locations.

(3) Placing the public key on the host to be monitored remotely

Place the public key created as described in 2.17.1(2) Initially creating keys on the remotely monitored host. To do so, perform the procedure described below.

Before you start the procedure, make sure that only the owner of the keys has the write permission for the directory above the .ssh directory. If anyone other than the owner has the write permission for the higher-level directory, SSH connections fail.

  1. Log on as a user who can remotely monitor the target host.

  2. Navigate to the .ssh directory.

    If the home directory of the user who performs remote monitoring does not contain the .ssh directory, create one. Set 700 as the attribute of the directory.

  3. Execute the scp command to copy the public key file to the host to be monitored remotely.

    Copy the public key file created as described in 2.17.1(2) Initially creating keys to the monitored host. Copy the file to the .ssh directory in the home directory of the user who will perform remote monitoring.

  4. Execute the cat command to add the contents of the public key file to the authentication key file.

  5. Delete the copied public key file.

  6. Execute the chmod command to change the attribute of the authentication key file to 600.

  7. Configure AuthorizedKeysFile in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

    By default, ~/.ssh/authorized_keys or .ssh/authorized_keys is set. If you change the path for the authentication key file created in step 6, check and, if necessary, revise the value of AuthorizedKeysFile. If you change any settings in sshd_config, restart the sshd service as a superuser.

An execution example of the scp command, the cat command, and the chmod command is shown below. In this example, the host name of the JP1/IM - Manager host where keys are created as described in 2.17.1(2) Initially creating keys is IMHost.

(4) Specifying access permissions for monitored log files

If the monitored host is a UNIX host, any user who will be establishing SSH connections from the manager host to the monitored host will need the following access permissions:

(5) Checking connections

The following procedure describes how to check if the JP1/IM - Manager host and the host to be monitored remotely can be connected.

  1. Log on to the JP1/IM - Manager host as a user with root privileges.

  2. Use the created private key and execute the ssh command for the remotely monitored host.

If a connection is successfully established without any prompt for an identity, SSH configuration is complete.

If an error occurs or you are prompted to enter a password and a passphrase, check whether the settings are specified correctly as described. Also check the settings of the OS to make sure that the OS will allow SSH connections.

An execution example of the ssh command for checking connections is shown below.

In this example, the host name of the JP1/IM - Manager host is IMHost. The host name of the monitored host is TargetHost, and the name of the user performing remote monitoring is ssh-user.

Note that during remote monitoring, the following commands must be executable on the hosts that are to be monitored remotely. Make sure that the users that perform remote monitoring can execute these commands.

Use the following procedure to check whether these commands can be executed.

(a) Checking commands to be used for collection of host information

  1. Log in to the monitored host as the user that was set on the SSH page in the System Common Settings window.

  2. Execute the following command and then confirm that the return code is 0.

    uname -s

(b) Checking commands to be used for collection of log files

  1. Log in to the monitored host as the user that was set on the SSH page in the System Common Settings window.

  2. Execute the following commands and then confirm that the return code is 0.

    • ls -ild monitored-log-file-path

      Example of executing the command:

      ls -ild /var/log/messages

      Example of execution result:

      12345 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 100 April 12 13:00 2013 messages

    • ls path-to-directory-contains-monitored-log-file

      Example of executing the command:

      ls /var/log/

      Example of execution result:


    • (When the OS of the monitored host is AIX) LC_CTYPE=C wc -l monitored-log-file-path

      Example of executing the command:

      LC_CTYPE=C wc -l /var/log/messages

      Example of execution result:

      20 /var/log/messages

    • (When the OS of the monitored host is Linux) wc -l monitored-log-file-path

      Example of executing the command:

      wc -l /var/log/messages

      Example of execution result:

      20 /var/log/messages

    • tail -n +any-line-number-of-monitored-file monitored-log-file-path | tail -c maximum-collection-size

      Example of executing the command:

      tail -n +19 /var/log/messages | tail -c 10241

      Example of execution result:

      line num = 19

      line num = 20

  3. If the log file output format is SEQ2, execute the following command, in addition to the command in step 2, and check the results of the standard output:

    • find path-to-directory-containing-monitored-log-file -xdev -inum inode-of-backup-file-for-monitored-log-file

      Example of executing the command:

      find /var/log/ -xdev -inum 12345

      Example of standard output:


      Verify that the path to the backup file of the monitored log file is output in the standard output.

      To output the standard output to stdout.txt and the standard error output to stderr.txt, check the standard output by executing the command show below.

      Example of command:

      find /var/log/ -xdev -inum 12345 1> stdout.txt 2> stderr.txt

(c) Checking commands to be used for application of predefined filters

  1. Log in to the monitored host as the user that was set on the SSH page in the System Common Settings window.

  2. Execute the following commands and then confirm that the return code is 0.

    • (When the OS of the monitored host is Linux) /bin/grep -E 'predefined-filter'

      Example of executing the command:

      tail -n +19 /var/log/messages | /bin/grep -E 'filter' | tail -c 10241

      Example of execution result:

      line num = 19

      line num = 20

    • (When the OS of the monitored host is AIX) /usr/bin/grep -E 'predefined-filter'

      Example of executing the command:

      tail -n +19 /var/log/messages | /usr/bin/grep -E 'filter' | tail -c 10241

      Example of execution result:

      line num = 19

      line num = 20

    • head -n any-line-number-of-monitored-file

      Example of executing the command:

      tail -n +19 /var/log/messages | head -n 20

      Example of execution result:

      line num = 19

      line num = 20