
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

2.16.2 Setting method (for UNIX)

Edit the jco_start command that starts JP1/IM - Manager automatically. Before starting JP1/IM - Manager, the jco_start command checks the active status of JP1/Base. If you use the event server in the FQDN format, you must check the active status of the event server in the FQDN format. At JP1/Base, set the event server in the FQDN format and then use the following procedure to edit the jco_start command.

To set:

  1. Copy jco_start.model with any desired name.

    cd /etc/opt/jp1cons

    cp -p jco_start.model any-name

  2. Use a text editor to open the script copied in step 1 and then edit it as follows:

    Before change: EVS_HOST=`hostname`

    After change: EVS_HOST=FQDN-format-host-name

For details about how to set the event server in the FQDN format, see the following descriptions in the JP1/Base User's Guide: