
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

1.23 Saving manuals to a computer (for Windows)

When you store HTML manuals to certain folders, you can access the manuals by clicking the Help button in a window.

To save HTML manuals to a computer:

  1. Have ready the manual distribution medium provided as a standard item with each program product.

  2. Store the target data from the manual distribution medium to JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/IM - View.

    Of the data in the folder containing the media that provides the manuals, copy all target data for each manual to the folders containing JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/IM - View.

    If all manuals are stored in their correct locations, you can view the table of contents of each manual.

    When you select Help and then Help Contents if the data is placed in an incorrect location or only part of the data is placed, an error dialog box (KAVB8550-E) appears.

    • Stored target data (HTML manuals)

      CSS file, all HTML files, and the GRAPHICS folder

    • Locations of data in the manual distribution medium (inserted in the drive of the Windows machine)

      In the manual distribution media, manuals are stored in folders with manual numbers under applicabledrive\MAN\3021. If you want to know which manual corresponds to which product, check INDEX.HTM under each folder with a manual number.

    • Locations to store the target data on the JP1/IM - Manager side:

      Under installation-folder\JP1Cons\www\manual\en

      Under installation-folder\JP1IMM\public\manual\en

      Store all the target data stored under the manual number folder of the manual distribution media in the folder of each manual number.

    • Locations to store the target data on the JP1/IM - View side:

      JP1/Integrated Management 3: Getting Started (Integrated Console) (Locations of data in the manual distribution medium\en\03L0100L)


      JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide (Locations of data in the manual distribution medium\en\03L0200L)


      JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide (Locations of data in the manual distribution medium\en\03L0300L)


      JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide (Locations of data in the manual distribution medium\en\03L0400L)


      JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference (Locations of data in the manual distribution medium\en\03L0500L)


      JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference (Locations of data in the manual distribution medium\en\03L0600L)


      JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Messages (Locations of data in the manual distribution medium\en\03L0700L)


    With the exception of the Getting Started, the name of the manual number folder in the manual distribution medium slightly differs from the name of the manual number folder to which the target data is saved. After copying the manual number folder from the manual distribution medium to a desired location, rename the folder so that its name is identical to the manual number folder to which the target data is saved.

    Delete any existing HTML manuals in the JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/IM - View folders before storing the new ones.