
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

1.10.1 Setting the configuration definition information (for Windows)

To set the configuration definition information:

  1. At the manager, create a configuration definition file (jbs_route.conf).

    To define the system hierarchy in batch mode, specify the entire system hierarchy in the definition file. To divide the system hierarchy into multiple sections, specify in the definition file the managed hosts and managers that are under that manager.

  2. At the manager, execute the setting command (jbsrt_distrib).

    The command will update the definition information.

If you divide the system hierarchy into multiple sections, perform the above procedure for each manager. After that, perform the procedure described below at the highest manager to create a definition for the entire system.

To set the configuration definition information:

  1. At the highest manager, create the configuration definition file (jbs_route.conf).

    Specify the system hierarchy from the highest manager to the next highest manager in the definition file.

  2. At the highest manager, execute the setting command (jbsrt_sync).

To check the contents of the configuration definition information, execute the jbsrt_get command on each host.

For details about the jbsrt_distrib command and the jbsrt_sync command, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

When you use IM Configuration Management, execute Collect IM Configuration from the IM Configuration Management window.