
JP1 Version 13 Integrated Management: Getting Started

A.3 Example definition for an automated action when using the email notification function (Windows only)

When you define an automated action, you can specify the jimmail command as the action to be executed so that an email will be sent based on the attribute values of an event that triggers the automated action. Below is an example definition when the jimmail command is specified as the action to be executed. For details about how to define an automated action, see 6.2.1 Using the automated action function to execute a command whenever an event is issued.

Example definition of an automated action when specifying the jimmail command as the action to be executed

Item to be set


Event ID

All IDs are selected.

Event conditions

The event level matches Error.

Execution user name


Target host



jimmail.exe -to -s "[Event level:$EVSEV] Error notification" -b "An error occurred on a monitored host.\n---\nSerial number=$EVSEQNO\nEvent issue date=$EVDATE $EVTIME\nEvent ID=$EVIDBASE\nError level=$EVSEV\nProduct name=$EV"PRODUCT_NAME"\nMessage=$EVMSG\n---\nFrom:IM-M host($ACTHOST)"

The following shows an example email that is sent when the automated action is specified as described above:



Source (From)

Destination (To)

Email subject

[Event level:Error]Error notification

Email text

An error occurred on a monitored host.


Serial number=1234567

Event issue date=2014/01/01 10:00:00

Event ID=000A

Error level=Error

Product name=/HITACHI/XXXXX/JP1

nMessage=System error occurred on a monitored host


From:IM-M host(admin)

When you define an automated action, consider the specified event conditions and suppression of automated actions to prevent a heavy load on the system due to execution of a large number of automated actions.

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