
JP1 Version 13 Integrated Management: Getting Started

6.2 Automatically executing a command whenever a specific event is issued

When an event is issued, the system administrator might execute one or more commands to handle the event. Executing a particular command every time a specific event occurs is a burden on the system administrator. To reduce the workload, in this section we will specify settings so that a command is automatically executed whenever a specific event is issued.




This manual describes how to execute the batch file errornotice.bat to send notification of an error to the system administrator when an event of severity level Error is issued. Prepare the batch file in advance, and store it in C:\jp1im on the management server for Windows.

In Linux, also use the procedure described below. Make sure that you replace the application's storage location and file name with those for Linux.


To avoid re-execution of an action for a certain period of time:

If an event for which an automated action is set is issued many times in a short period of time, the action is automatically executed many times. By using the function for suppressing automated action execution, you can suppress the re-execution of actions for a certain period of time to avoid the execution of unnecessary actions. For details, see 6.4.4 Suppressing identical actions in the Overview and System Design Guide, and 5.5.4 Setting suppression of automated action execution in the Configuration Guide.

To report the occurrence of a failure by email:

Use the JP1/IM - Manager email notification function to set up the automated action function to send an email when a failure occurs.

For details, see A.1 (2) Creating an email environment definition file and setting up the email notification function (Windows only). In Linux, set up the function to use the sendmail command to send emails.

[Figure] Keywords:

automated action, command, Automatic Action Service, email, notification

Organization of this section