
JP1 Version 13 Integrated Management: Getting Started

3.1.1 Define system configuration information

Defines which system configuration information, such as hosts and jobs, that Intelligent Integrated Management Base collects from monitored systems are grouped by defined host and non-host object roots and placed on which systems.

Intelligent Integrated Management Base creates a hierarchical structure by distributing host and non-host object roots under the system as defined here and displays them in the form of a sunburst or tree in integrated operation viewer.

Operating procedure

  1. Defines the hierarchical structure of the system, system node definition file (imdd_systemnode.conf) #. (optional)

  2. Category name definition file for IM management nodes (imdd_category_name.conf) # defines IM management node of management group and the order in which the collected data is displayed in a hierarchical fashion. (optional)

  3. If you are configuring IM management node with a product that allows hostnames to be aliased, define a mapping between the alias name and actual host name in host name definition file (imdd_host_name.conf) #. (optional)

  4. Start JP1/IM - Manager, JP1/ IM database and Intelligent Integrated Management database.

  5. Execute the jddsetaccessuser command. Set the user accessing the product to be monitored.

  6. When linking with the product to be monitored, target host definition file for configuration collection (imdd_target_host.conf) # defines the hostname to acquire the configuration information of the linkage product and the monitoring object of the linkage product. (optional)

  7. Run the jddcreatetree command to generate IM management node-related files.

  8. IM management node link definition file (imdd_nodeLink_def.conf) # defines the relationship between IM management node. (optional)

  9. Execute the jddupdatetree command. Intelligent Integrated Management server reflects the defined information.


The directory where the definition file is stored is shown below.

  • For Windows

    For physical hosts: Manager-path\conf\imdd\

    For logical hosts: shared-folder\jp1imm\conf\imdd\

  • For UNIX

    For physical host: /etc/opt/jp1imm/conf/imdd/

    For logical hosts: shared-directory/jp1imm/conf/imdd/

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