
JP1 Version 13 Integrated Management: Getting Started

2.5.1 Installing the prerequisite product (for Linux)

Prior to monitoring the system with JP1/IM, you must install JP1/Base on the host you are managing. If you also use JP1/Base as an agent, install JP1/Base on agent host as well.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Installing JP1/Base (for Linux)

On the hosts that will be used as the manager and agents in the system monitored by JP1/IM, perform a new installation of JP1/Base.


The following conditions must be satisfied:


  1. Terminate all programs.

    Before you install JP1/Base, terminate all JP1 programs.

  2. Insert the JP1/Base distribution media into the drive.

  3. Execute the following command to install and start the Hitachi Program Product Installer:

    /cdrom/XXXX/setup /cdrom

    XXXX varies depending on your OS. For /cdrom, specify the device special file name for the drive on which the distribution media is automatically mounted.

    When the Hitachi Program Product Installer starts, the following initial window appears:


  4. In the initial window of the Hitachi Program Product Installer, enter I to display a list of software programs.

  5. In the list of software programs, move the cursor to JP1/Base, and then press the space bar to select it.

  6. In the Hitachi Program Product Installer window, enter I to start installation of JP1/Base.

    Initial setup is automatically performed so that you can use JP1/Base immediately after installation is completed.

  7. After installation is completed, enter Q to return to the initial window.

  8. Terminate the Hitachi Program Product Installer, and then create an automated startup script for JP1/Base.

    Execute the command as follows:

    cd /etc/opt/jp1base

    cp -p jbs_start.model jbs_start