
JP1 Version 13 Integrated Management: Getting Started

2.4.7 Installing JP1/IM - Agent (for Windows)

Install JP1/IM - Agent on agent. This section describes how to install a new JP1/IM - Agent.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Install from agent package (for Windows)

Inside the system monitored by JP1/IM, JP1/IM - Agent is newly installed on the host to be agent. To install, use agent package downloaded from the manager.

Agent package is registered automatically when the manager is installed.


The following conditions must be met:

Operating procedure

  1. Log in to the host where you want to install JP1/IM - Agent.

  2. Run REST API to download agent package that is registered with the manager.

    The following shows a sample file-retrieval using curl command.

    curl -OL -H "Authorization: Bearer token" -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=Session-ID" -v http://JP1/IM-Manager-hostname:20703/download/imagent/agent-package-filename

    Tokens and session ID are obtained by issuing a login REST API.

    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"user\": \"username\", \"password\": \"password\"}" -v http://JP1/IM-Manager-hostname:20703/im/api/v1/login

    It is recommended to issue a logout REST API immediately after completion.

    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cookie: JSESSIONID=Session ID" -v http://JP1/IM-Manager-hostname:20703/im/api/v1/logout

  3. Unzip the downloaded agent package.

    Here is an example of how to decompress:

    Expand-Archive-Path jp1_pc_agent_windows_Version-number-of-JP1/IM(VVRRSS-format).zip

  4. Start the installer.

    Follow the instructions of the booted installer to proceed with the installation. During installation, set the following items:

    • User information

    • Installation folder

      The default installation folder settings are as follows:

      System-drive\Program Files\Hitachi\

      The characters that can be specified as the install destination are single-byte alphanumeric characters, single-byte spaces, single-byte hyphens (-), single-byte underscores (_), single-byte backslash (\) #1, and single-byte colons (:) #2.

      #1 Indicates the characters used to separate folders. Cannot be used for folder name.

      #2: Characters used to separate drives and folders. Cannot be used for folder name.

    • Installation Mode

      Select [Normal Install Mode].

      The following need to be configured.

      - Host name of the destination manager host

      Specify the host name of the destination manager host that manages integrated agent to be newly installed.

      - Initial secret

      Initial secret is checked (issued) from the integrated operation viewer using the following steps.

      1. Log in to the integrated operation viewer and click Issue initial secret from the Option menu to open the Show Initial Secret window.

      2. Click the Issue button in the Show Initial Secret window, and click the OK button in the window for confirming the issuance of initial secret. Clicking the OK button issues initial secret.

      3. You can store the issued initial secret in any file. You can use it to install JP1/IM - Agent on other agent hosts.

  5. If you are prompted to restart, restart Windows.

Related topics

(2) Install from the provided media (for Windows)

Inside the system monitored by JP1/IM, install a new JP1/IM - Agent on agent host.


The following conditions must be met:

Operating procedure

  1. Shut down JP1/IM - Agent servicing.

  2. Put JP1/IM - Agent offering medium into the drive.

    Follow the instructions of the booted installer to proceed with the installation. During installation, set the following items:

    • User information

    • Installation folder

      The default installation folder settings are as follows:

      System-drive\Program Files\Hitachi\

      Do not specify folders that contain symbols (such as ; # ' %) or character codes outside SJIS character code range (JIS level 3 and level 4) in the install location.

    • Installation Mode

      Select [Normal Install Mode].

      The following need to be configured.

      - Host name of the destination manager host

      Specify the host name of the destination manager host that manages integrated agent to be newly installed.

      - Initial secret

      Initial secret is checked (issued) from the integrated operation viewer using the following steps.

      1. Log in to the integrated operation viewer and click Issue initial secret from the Option menu to open the Show Initial Secret window.

      2. Click the Issue button in the Show Initial Secret window, and click the OK button in the window for confirming the issuance of initial secret. Clicking the OK button issues initial secret.

      3. You can store the issued initial secret in any file. You can use it to install JP1/IM - Agent on other agent hosts.

  3. If you are prompted to restart, restart Windows.

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