
uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide

cscstatus (Displaying the status)

Organization of this page


cscstatus [-h]
 -user login-user-ID
 -pass login-password
 [-csc HCSC-server-name
 -type {system|reception|compo}]


Displays the status for the HCSC servers, standard receptions, and HCSC components.

By setting up default values for mandatory options, such as the login user ID, in the HCSC-Manager command definition file, you can omit the specification of these values in this command.

For details on how to use this command, see the following locations in the uCosminexus Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide according to the purpose of use:



Displays the usage of commands. When you specify this option, all other options are ignored even if specified.

-user login-user-ID ~ <one-byte alphanumeric characters and underscores (_)> ((1 to 16 characters))

Specifies the user ID that is used to log in to HCSC-Manager.

-pass login-password ~ <one-byte alphanumeric characters and underscores (_)> ((1 to 16 characters))

Specifies the password that is used to log in to HCSC-Manager.

-csc HCSC-server-name ~ <one-byte alphanumeric characters and underscores (_)> ((1 to 8 characters))

Specifies the name of the HCSC server for which you intend to display the status of standard receptions or HCSC components. If you specify this option, make sure that you also specify the -type option. If this option is omitted, the command displays the status of all the HCSC servers.

-type {system|reception|compo}

Specifies the type of a standard reception or an HCSC component whose status you want to display.

  • system

    Specify this option to display the status of the HCSC server and the logical servers managed by the HCSC server (PRF status).

  • reception

    Specify this option to display the status of standard receptions and user-defined receptions.

  • compo

    Specify this option to display the status of HCSC components.

Display format

(1) HCSC server status
Command Edit Time: command-issuing-time
HCSC-server-status HCSC-server-name


Display item


HCSC server status

Indicates the HCSC server status. One of the following is displayed:

  • active: Running status

  • inactive: Stopped status#

  • starting: Starting

  • startfailed: Start failed status

  • stopping: Stopping

  • stopfailed: Stop failed status

  • unknown: Collection failed

HCSC server name

Indicates the name of the HCSC server. The name is displayed in the following format:



The status is displayed as inactive even if the time required for obtaining the status of the HCSC server is more than the command timeout value specified in csc-command-timeout in the HCSC server runtime definition file.

(2) Status of the logical servers managed by the HCSC server (when -csc is specified)
  • When -type system is specified

    Command Edit Time: command-issuing-time
    HCSC-server-status HCSC-server-name
    logical-server-status logical-server-name


Display item


HCSC server status

Indicates the status of the HCSC server. One of the following is displayed:

  • active: Running status

  • inactive: Stopped status#

  • starting: Starting

  • startfailed: Start failed status

  • stopping: Stopping

  • stopfailed: Stop failed status

  • unknown: Collection failed

Logical server status

Indicates the status of the logical server. One of the following is displayed:

  • active: Running status

  • inactive: Stopped status

  • starting: Starting

  • stopping: Stopping

  • abnormal ended: Abnormal termination

  • recovering: Recovering

  • communication error: Communication error

  • auto stopping: Auto-stopping

  • auto restarting: Auto-restarting

  • force stopping: Forced stopping

  • planned stopping: Planned stopping


The status is displayed as inactive even if the time required for obtaining the status of the HCSC server is more than the command timeout value specified in csc-command-timeout in the HCSC server runtime definition file.

(3) Status of standard receptions and user-defined receptions (when -csc is specified)
  • When -type reception is specified

    Command Edit Time: command-issuing-time
     standard-reception-status reception


Display item


Standard reception status

Indicates the status of the standard reception. One of the following is displayed:

  • active: Running status

  • inactive: Stopped status#

  • starting: Starting

  • startfailed: Start failed status

  • stopping: Stopping

  • stopfailed: Stop failed status

  • unknown: Collection failed

User-defined reception status

Indicates the status of the user-defined reception. One of the following is displayed:

  • active: Running status

  • inactive: Stopped status

  • starting: Starting

  • startfailed: Start failed status

  • stopping: Stopping

  • stopfailed: Stop failed status

  • deleting: Deleting

  • undeployed: Undeployed

  • unknown: Collection failed


The status is displayed as inactive even if the time required for obtaining the status of the HCSC server is more than the command timeout value specified in csc-command-timeout in the HCSC server runtime definition file.

Also, when the status of the HCSC server is inactive, even the status of the standard reception is displayed as inactive.

(4) Status of HCSC components (When -csc is specified)
  • When -type compo is specified

    Command Edit Time: command-issuing-time
     business-process-status business-process-service-ID update-time#
     service-adapter- status service-ID-of-service-adapter update-time#
     user-defined-reception-status reception-ID-of-user-defined-reception update-time#

Indicates the time at which the HCSC components are packaged in the development environment. Therefore, this value depends on the time of the machine in the development environment.


Display item


  • Business process status

  • Service adapter status

  • User-defined reception status

Indicates the status of business processes, service adapters, and user-defined receptions. One of the following is displayed:

  • active: Running status

  • inactive: Stopped status

  • starting: Starting

  • startfailed: Start failed status

  • stopping: Stopping

  • stopfailed: Stop failed status

  • deleting: Deleting

  • undeployed: Undeployed

  • unknown: Collection failed

Return values

Return value



The command terminated normally.


The command terminated abnormally.


An exclusion error occurred.


An error occurred when checking the execution permission.