
uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide

csaftpuseradd (Registering and updating FTP adapter users)

Organization of this page


csaftpuseradd [-h]
 -user login-user-ID
 -pass login-password
 [-account billing-information]
 { -f path-of-FTP-adapter-account-definition-file| -name service-ID }


Registers a user in the FTP adapter account definition file. If a user is already registered, this command updates the password and the billing information.

For details on how to use this command, see 5.4.14 Checking and changing the user information of the FTP adapter in the Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide.



Displays the usage of commands. When you specify this option, all other options are ignored even if specified.

-user login-user-ID ~ <one-byte alphanumeric characters and one-byte symbols> ((1 to 80 characters))

Specifies the user ID to be registered or updated.

You can specify one-byte alphanumeric characters, one-byte symbols (0x21 to 0x7E in ASCII encoding), and one-byte spaces (0x20 in ASCII encoding). The characters are case sensitive. The available one-byte symbols are as follows:

  • Exclamation mark (!)

  • Double quotation mark (")

  • Hash mark (#)

  • Dollar sign ($)

  • Percent sign (%)

  • Ampersand (&)

  • Apostrophe mark (')

  • Left parenthesis (()

  • Right parenthesis ())

  • Asterisk (*)

  • Plus sign (+)

  • Comma (,)

  • Hyphen (-)

  • Period (.)

  • Forward slash (/)

  • Colon (:)

  • Semicolon (;)

  • Left angle bracket (<)

  • Right angle bracket (>)

  • Equal sign (=)

  • Question mark (?)

  • At mark (@)

  • Left square bracket ([)

  • Right square bracket (])

  • Yen sign (\)

  • Caret (^)

  • Underscore (_)

  • Grave accent mark (`)

  • Left curly bracket ({)

  • Right curly bracket (})

  • Vertical bar (|)

  • Swung dash (~)

-pass login-password ~ <one-byte alphanumeric characters and one-byte symbols> ((1 to 80 characters))

Specifies a password for the user ID to be registered or updated. You can specify one-byte alphanumeric characters, one-byte symbols (0x21 to 0x7E in ASCII encoding), and one-byte spaces (0x20 in ASCII encoding). The characters are case sensitive. The available one-byte symbols are the same as those for the -user option.

To change the password (when the -r option is specified), specify the new password.

-account billing-information ~ <one-byte alphanumeric characters and one-byte symbols> ((at least 1 character))

Specifies the billing information (which is a string indicating the account) for the user that is to be registered or updated. You can specify one-byte alphanumeric characters, one-byte symbols (0x21 to 0x7E in ASCII encoding), and one-byte spaces (0x20 in ASCII encoding). The characters are case sensitive. The available one-byte symbols are the same as those for the -user option.

If this option is omitted, or if null is specified in billing-information, the billing information is not set up.

Note that you must specify this option to change the password for a user for whom the billing information is set up.


Specify this option to change the password of the user ID that is already registered.

-f path-of-FTP-adapter-account-definition-file

Specifies the relative or absolute path of the FTP adapter account definition file. To include spaces, enclose the entire option argument in double quotation marks (").

If the file does not exist already, an FTP adapter account definition file is created. However, an error occurs if the directory does not exist. To add an account to an existing FTP adapter account definition file, specify the existing FTP adapter account definition file.

-name service-ID ~ <halfwidth alphanumeric characters and underscores (_)> ((1 to 8 characters))

Specifies the service ID of the FTP adapter when users are managed on an FTP adapter basis by using a product-specific path.

If no file exists in the product-specific path, an FTP adapter account definition file is created. However, an error occurs if the directory does not exist. For details about the product-specific path, see 6.8.1 FTP adapter account definition file.

Examples of input

Registering user information in any unit by using the account definition file in any path

(1) To register a user for whom the billing information will be set up
csaftpuseradd -user user1 -pass password1 -account account1 -f
(2) To register a user for whom the billing information will not be set up
csaftpuseradd -user user2 -pass password2 -f
(3) To update the password and the billing information of a user
csaftpuseradd -user user1 -pass passwordnew -account accountnew -r -f
(4) To update the password of a user for whom the billing information is not specified
csaftpuseradd -user user2 -pass passwordnew -r -f
(5) To add the billing information for a registered user
csaftpuseradd -user user2 -pass password2 -account account2 -r -f
(6) To delete the billing information for a registered user
csaftpuseradd -user user1 -pass password1 -r -f

Registering user information on an FTP adapter basis by using the account definition file in a product-specific path

(1) To register a user for whom the billing information will be set up
csaftpuseradd -user user1 -pass password1 -account account1 -name adp1
(2) To register a user for whom the billing information will not be set up
csaftpuseradd -user user2 -pass password2 -name adp1
(3) To update the password and the billing information of a user
csaftpuseradd -user user1 -pass passwordnew -account accountnew -r -name adp1
(4) To update the password of a user for whom the billing information is not specified
csaftpuseradd -user user2 -pass passwordnew -r -name adp1
(5) To add the billing information for a registered user
csaftpuseradd -user user2 -pass password2 -account account2 -r -name adp1
(6) To delete the billing information for a registered user
csaftpuseradd -user user1 -pass password1 -r -name adp1

Return values

Return value



The command terminated normally.


The command terminated abnormally.


An error occurred when checking the execution permission.
