
uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide

5.1 Types of commands

Three types of commands are used in the operating and execution environments of a service platform. Each type is stored in a separate directory.

Types of command

Executed in:


Commands whose name begins with csc

Operating environment

These commands set up an HCSC server, perform basic operations, and manage repositories and users.

Some of these commands communicate with Management Server to manage the HCSC server. Therefore, even if a command is terminated forcibly, the processing might continue.

If command names and Java VM start options are specified in the HCSC-Manager command definition file for Java VM start options, the settings will be applied when a command is executed.

Commands whose name begins with csm#

Execution environment

These commands manage various accounts and display the transmission log.

Commands whose name begins with csa


When the database to be used is HiRDB and the JDBC driver is HiRDB Type4 JDBC Driver, specify the path of HiRDB Type4 JDBC Driver in the HCSC-Messaging command definition file.

When the database to be used is Oracle, specify the path of Oracle JDBC Thin Driver in the HCSC-Messaging command definition file.

Important note

A user who has administrator permissions executes the commands used in the operating and execution environments of a service platform. For details about how to change the Service Coordinator administrator in UNIX, see Appendix A. Changing the Service Coordinator administrator (in UNIX) in the Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide.

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