
uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide

3.1 Types of definition files

The following table lists and describes the types of development environment definition file

Table 3‒1:  List of definition files (Development environment)


File name


File to be used in TP1 linkage

TP1/RPC reception definition file

Sets up the parameters that control operations such as tuning parameters of TP1/RPC reception.

TP1 adapter environment definition file

Sets up the information required in TP1 adapter environment definition file

TP1 adapter communication configuration definition file

Defines required information in TP1 adapter communication configuration definition.

File to be used in FTP linkage

FTP reception definition file

Sets up the contents for which setting can be changed after setting up FTP reception.

File operations adapter definition file

Sets up the operating information of file operations adapter.

File to be used in SOAP linkage

SOAP reception definition file

Defines the operation when a user-defined reception (SOAP reception) is invoked in SOAP1.1/1.2 combined mode.

Client definition file

Defines the operation when Web service is invoked from service adapter in SOAP1.1/1.2 combined mode.

File to be used in Object Access adapter

Object Access adapter communication configuration definition file

Sets up the communication definition of Object Access adapter.

File to be used in Message Queue adapter

Message Queue adapter environment-definition file

Sets up the environment definition information of Message Queue adapter.

Message Queue adapter communication-configuration definition file

Sets up the communication definition of Message Queue adapter.

File to be used in Message Queue reception

Message Queue reception definition file

Sets up the operating information of Message Queue reception.

File to be used in HTTP adapter

HTTP adapter definition file

Sets up the operating information of HTTP adapter.

File used for HTTP reception

HTTP response header definition file

Sets up the HTTP response header information which is to be used as the default value when the response message format of HTTP reception (for header variable) is omitted

HTTP-reception service-selection definition file

Specifies the information for a business process to be invoked from HTTP reception of a user-defined reception (invocation target selected) and the invocation condition.

HTTP reception definition file

Sets up the operating information of HTTP reception.

File used for file event linkage

File-event-reception definition file

Specifies the operating information of file event reception.

File used for transformation between JSON format data and XML format data

JSON-XML transformation definition file

Specifies the JSON-XML transformation operations.

This file is used by the JSON transformation tools (cscjson2xsd command and cscjsonxmlconv command).

Files used for data-transformation unit test commands

Data-transformation command properties file

Specifies the same information as that for the csctransform command arguments by using the property format.

System properties file for data transformation

Specifies the system properties for data transformation in Service Platform.

The file that has been set up can be specified when the cscbinaryparse command, csctransform command, or cscgenbinary command is executed.

Binary-message-generation command properties file

Specifies the same information as that for the cscgenbinary command arguments by using the property format.

Binary-message-generation definition file

Sets a new value when an element value of a simple content element is to be changed from the default value.

Binary-parse command properties file

Specifies the same information as that for the cscbinaryparse command arguments by using the property format.