
uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide

1.9.1 Setting dialog (Setting up WSDL custom binding file)

Use this dialog is to set up WSDL custom binding file. You can also use this dialog box to create a SOAP adapter or user-defined reception (SOAP reception) in SOAP1.1/1.2 combined mode.

For details about WSDL custom binding file that uses an external binding file, see "Appendix K Customizing WSDL using the external binding file" in "Service Platform Basic Development Guide".

The steps to display the [Setting] dialog when setting up WSDL custom binding file are as follows:

  1. From the Eclipse menu, select [Window] - [Setting]

    This displays the [Setting] dialog.

  2. From left side of the dialog, select [HCSC-Definer] and [WSDL custom binding].

    This displays the setting items for WSDL custom binding on the right side.

The following describes the setting items for WSDL custom binding.

Figure 1‒151:  [Setting] dialog (Setting items for WSDL custom binding)


The displayed items are as follows:

[External binding file]

Displays the absolute path of the external binding file. If you do not specify an external binding file from the [Reference] button, nothing is displayed.

[Reference] button

Displays the folder selection screen and you can then specify an external binding file.

Specify the following file used in version prior to 09-00, if an external binding file is used in version prior to 09-00 and you upgrade the version to 09-50 or higher version through update installation.

<Service platform installation directory>\CSCTE\config\tools\custom\custombinding.xml
[Remove] button

Clears the path displayed in [External binding file].

[Restore Defaults] button

Returns WSDL custom binding to default settings. Default value is as follows:

  • [External binding file]: Blank

[Apply] button

Commits the specified contents. Does not close the dialog.

[Apply and Close] button

Commits the specified contents and closes the dialog.

[Cancel] button

Cancels the specified contents and closes the dialog.