
uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide

1.8.1 Multiple packaging dialog

This dialog is for selecting appropriate services when you package multiple services.

For details about multiple packaging, see the manual, "7.2 Packaging" in "Service Platform Basic Development Guide".

Figure 1‒148:  [Multiple packaging] dialog


When filtering or sorting, sort by prioritizing the selected services check box

Select this checkbox and click the column header portion, when you want to sort the selected services to the top of the service list. The following figure shows an example of sorting in the Name column.


Filter string

Input when you want to filter services with unique keywords. With this you can display only those services that contain appropriate information.

List of services

Lists service names and their information. The user-defined reception (invocation target selected) is displayed at the same level as business processes and service adapters. You can also sort rows with the column information by clicking the column header.

From the list of services, select the check boxes for the services you want to package in the Name column. You cannot select services that have error displayed in [Message] column.

Selection of service names can be changed according to the following rules:

  1. When you change the selection status of a business process that has user-defined reception

    The selection status of all user-defined reception that belongs to the business process whose selection status is to be changed, also changes to the same status.

  2. When you change the selection status of user-defined reception

    Business process that invokes the user-defined reception, status of which is to be replaced as well as all user-defined reception depending on invoking source business process change to the same check status.

  3. When you change the selection status of the unselected services when multiple services are selected

    Services selected other than the service for which check box is clicked, change to the same check status.

    If the unselected services include 1. or 2., operation will be as per 1. or 2.

You can also change the selection status collectively with the following buttons:

[Select all the displayed services]

Selects all the services in filtering result.

[Delete all the displayed services] button

Deletes the selection status of the filtered services.

[OK] button

Packages the selected services and closes the dialog.

[Cancel] button

Closes the dialog without packaging.