
uCosminexus Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide

7.9.1 Restoration methods when system operations of HCSC server cannot be executed

If a HCSC server failure occurs and system operations are disabled, take the actions described below.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Information needed for recovery

To recover the HCSC server, you need the following information.

(2) Recovery procedure

  1. To recover the HCSC server: Execute the cscrepctl command to export the repository and back up the current repository information.

    cscrepctl -user login-user-ID -pass login-password -export file-name
  2. Execute the cscsvunsetup command to cancel setup of the HCSC server on which the failure occurred.

    cscsvunsetup -user login-user-ID -pass login-password -csc HCSC-server-name-for-unsetup

    If an error occurs in the execution of the cscsvunsetup command, execute step 3. If error does not occur, execute step 4.

  3. Execute the command as per the failure contents.

    • When a communication failure occurs in a machine with an HCSC server

      Execute the cscsvunsetup command to cancel setup of the HCSC server on which the failure occurred.

      cscsvunsetup -user login-user-ID -pass login-password -csc HCSC-server-name-to-be-unsetup -ignore
    • When a version mismatch occurs in the repository or system configuration definition

      Manually delete the files and directories under the repository root.

  4. Check for any unneeded resources and if there are any, manually delete them.

    For details about checking for unneeded resources, see 7.5.3 How to recover when executing HCSC server setup and unsetup.

  5. Execute the cscsvsetup command and set up the HCSC server.

    In the -propfile option of the cscsvsetup command, specify the HCSC server configuration definition file for the HCSC server on which the failure occurred.

    cscsvsetup -user login-user-ID -pass login-password -csc HCSC-server-name -cluster cluster-name -propfile HCSC-server-configuration-definition-file-name
  6. Execute the cscrepctl command to import the repository information you backed up in step 1.

    cscrepctl -user login-user-ID -pass login-password -import file-name
  7. Execute the csccompodeploy command, if necessary, to deploy a business process and a service adapter.

    • To deploy a business process:

      csccompodeploy -user login-user-ID -pass login-password-csc HCSC-server-name -name service-ID-of-business-process
    • To deploy a service adapter:

      csccompodeploy -user login-user-ID -pass login-password -csc HCSC-server-name -name service-ID-of-service-adapter