
uCosminexus Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide

6.1.3 Acquiring detailed information from the process instance execution logs

You can acquire detailed information of the process instance execution logs depending on what you want to accomplish.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Acquiring detailed information about correlation sets

(a) Using screen to acquire detailed information from the execution log

The procedure to acquire detailed information of the process instance execution log (correlation set information) is as follows:

  1. Search the process instances.

  2. Select the execution log of the process instance that acquires information from search result list.

  3. Click the [Correlation Set Information] button.

    Detailed information is displayed in the Detailed Information field.

(b) Using commands to acquire detailed information of the execution log

The procedure to acquire detailed information of the process instance execution log (correlation set information) is as follows:

  1. Determine the HCSC server to be accessed.

  2. Execute the following command to perform the search.

    • When directly specifying the where clause

      cscpiselect -user <Login user ID> -pass <Login password> -csc <HCSC server name> -where <where clause># -table set
    Note #

    Specify the condition for the process instance whose information you are acquiring.

    • When using a file in which the where clause is specified

      cscpiselect -user <Login user ID> -pass <Login password> -csc <HCSC server name> -wherefile <file name in which the where clause is specified># -table set -encoding <Encoding name>
    Note #

    Specify the condition for the process instance whose information you are acquiring.

    • When searching with executed HCSC server name as criteria

      cscpiselect -user <Login user ID> -pass <Login password> -csc <HCSC server name> -table set -targetcsc <HCSC server name targeted to search>
(Example) Enter the command using the following conditions to acquire correlation set information:
  • J2EEServer_010209010042_XXXPurchaseRegisterService_1142479241203_760331597_2115

  • HCSC server to be accessed: HCSC

cscpiselect -user <Login user ID> -pass <Login password> -csc HCSC -wherefile sql_where.txt -table set
For contents of sql_where.txt
ProcessID = 'J2EEServer_010209010042_XXXPurchaseRegisterService_1142479241203_760331597_2115'
Output result


For details on cscpiselect command, see "cscpiselect (Finding process instances)" in "Service Platform Reference Guide".

(2) Acquiring detailed information of variable

(a) Acquire detailed information of execution log using screen

The procedure to acquire detailed information (variable information) of process instance execution log is as follows:

  1. Search process instance.

  2. Select process instance execution log that acquires information from search result list.

  3. Click the [Variable information] button.

    Detailed information is displayed in detailed information field.

  4. When variable type is String or Message, select appropriate variable and click the [Display variable value] button.

    As shown in following figure, detailed information of variable value is displayed in other window:

    Figure 6‒1:  Display screen of variable information details


(b) Acquiring detailed information of execution log using command

The procedure to acquire detailed information (Variable information) of process instance execution log is as follows:

  1. Determine the HCSC server to be accessed.

  2. Execute the following command to perform the search.

    • When directly specifying the where clause

      cscpiselect -user <Login user ID> -pass <Login password> -csc <HCSC server name> -where <where clause>#1 -table {string |numeric | boolean | message}#2
    Note #1

    Specify the condition for the process instance whose information you are acquiring.

    Note #2

    Specify one of these items.

    • When using a file in which the where clause is specified

      cscpiselect -user <Login user ID> -pass <Login password> -csc <HCSC server name> -wherefile <file name in which the where clause is specified>#1 -table {string|numeric|boolean|message}#2 -encoding <Encoding name>
    Note #1

    Specify the condition for the process instance whose information you are acquiring.

    Note #2

    Specify one of these items.

    • When using the name of executed HCSC server as criteria

      cscpiselect -user <Login user ID> -pass <Login password> -csc <HCSC server name> -table {string|numeric|boolean|message} -targetcsc <HCSC server name to be searched>

    Since the variable information is provided in a separate table for each variable. If the variable type is not clear, search all tables.

(Example) Enter the following condition to acquire variable information.
  • Process ID to be acquired: J2EEServer_010210084218_Commodity arrangement_1237948143515_3919056788_140

  • HCSC server to be accessed: HCSC

  • When displaying string variable information

    cscpiselect -user <Login user ID> -pass <Login password> -csc HCSC -wherefile sql_where.txt -table string
  • When displaying numeric variable information

    cscpiselect -user <Login user ID> -pass <Login password> -csc HCSC -wherefile sql_where.txt -table numeric
  • When displaying boolean variable information

    cscpiselect -user <Login user ID> -pass <Login password> -csc HCSC -wherefile sql_where.txt -table boolean
  • When displaying message variable information

    cscpiselect -user <Login user ID> -pass <Login password> -csc HCSC -wherefile sql_where.txt -table message
Contents of sql_where.txt
ProcessID = 'J2EEServer_010210084218_commodity arrangement_1237948143515_3919056788_140'
Output result
  • For string variable information


  • For numeric variable information


  • For boolean variable information


  • For message variable information


For details on cscpiselect command, see "cscpiselect (Finding process instances)" in "Service Platform Reference Guide".

(3) Acquiring detailed information about activities

Important note

When you define data transformation activity in the definition of business process, output activity type of execution log as assign activity.

(a) Using screen to acquire detailed information of the execution log

The procedure to acquire detailed information from the process instance execution log (activity information) is as follows:

  1. Search the process instances.

  2. From the search results list, select the execution log of the process instance for which you require detailed information.

  3. Click the [Activity Information button.

    Detailed information is displayed in the Detailed Information field.

(b) Using commands to acquire detailed information of the execution log

The procedure to specify process ID and acquiring detailed information of process instance execution log is as follows:

  1. Determine the HCSC server to be accessed.

  2. Execute the following command to perform the search.

    • When directly specifying the where clause

      cscpiselect -user <Login user ID> -pass <Login password> -csc <HCSC server name> -where <where clause># -table activity
    Note #

    Specify the condition for the process instance whose information you are acquiring.

    • When using a file in which the where clause is specified

      cscpiselect -user <Login user ID> -pass <Login password> -csc <HCSC server name> -wherefile <file name in which the where clause is specified># -table activity -encoding <Encoding name>
    Note #

    Specify the condition for the process instance whose information you are acquiring.

    • When searching with the of executed HCSC server as criteria

      cscpiselect -user <Login user ID> -pass <Login password> -csc <HCSC server name> -table activity -targetcsc <name of HCSC server to be searched>
(Example) Enter command in following condition to acquire activity information.
  • Process ID to be acquired:

    J2EEServer_010210084218_commodity arrangement_1237856438531_3676477500_139

  • HCSC server to be accessed:


cscpiselect -user <Login user ID> -pass <Login password> -csc HCSC -wherefile sql_where.txt -table activity
contents of sql_where.txt
ProcessID = 'J2EEServer_010210084218_commodity arrangement_1237856438531_3676477500_139'
Output result


For details on cscpiselect command, see "cscpiselect (Finding process instances)" in "Service Platform Reference Guide".