
uCosminexus Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide

5.4.8 Checking the information of FTP inbound adapter

This subsection describes the prerequisites and method for checking the information of FTP inbound adapter.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Prerequisites

To check the information of the FTP inbound adapter, the HCSC server must be running.

For details on how to check the status of the HCSC server, see "5.3.15 Checking the HCSC server information ".

(2) Starting method

To check the information of the FTP inbound adapter, execute the cjlistrar command.

The execution format for checking FTP inbound adapter is as follows:

<Installation directory of Service platform>\CC\admin\bin\cjlistrar <J2EEserver name>

For details on the cjstartrar command, see "2.4 Resource operation commands used in the J2EE servers" in "Application Server Command Reference Guide".

An example of execution results is as follows:

KDJE37400-I Connecting to <J2EEserver name>...
running  FTP_Inbound_Resource_Adapter
KDJE37508-I All rars have been listed successfully. (number = [1])

"Running" indicates that the FTP inbound adapter is running. "Stopped" is output when the FTP inbound adapter is stopped.