
uCosminexus Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide

5.3.18 Checking the business process information

The business process information that you can reference differs in case of using windows and commands. For details on the information that you can reference, see the contents of the corresponding screens and commands in "Service Platform Reference Guide".

This subsection describes the prerequisites and method for referencing the business process information.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Prerequisites

You can reference business process information only when the HCSC server is in the running status.

For details on how to check HCSC server status, see "5.3.15 Checking the HCSC server information".

(2) Reference method

The methods for referencing the business process information are as follows:

(a) When using screens

In the Tree view, double-click the business process. Information of the double-clicked business process is displayed in the editor area. You can reference business process information on the Operations page in the editor area.

For details on the Operations page for business processes, see "4.4 Operations Page" in "Service Platform Reference Guide".

You can also check the icon displayed in the Tree view to determine the operating status of the business process. For details on icons displayed, see "4.1 Window structure (Operating environment)" in "Service Platform Reference Guide".

(b) When using commands

To view information about business processes, execute the cscstatus or cscutil command from the operating environment. Use the respective commands in the following cases:

  • cscstatus command

    Use this command to reference the business process dynamic information (running status), service ID, and modification time.

  • cscutil command

    Use this command to reference the business process static information (definition information).

The description of how to execute each command is as follows:

When using the cscstatus command

Execute the cscstatus command in the operating environment. Execute the command by specifying the -csc and -type options. In the -type option, specify "compo".

For details on the cscstatus command, see "cscstatus (Displaying the status)" in "Service Platform Reference Guide".

Execution format of the cscstatus command is as follows:

cscstatus -user <login user ID> -pass <login password> -csc <HCSC server name> -type compo
Using the cscutil command

Execute the cscutil command in the operating environment. Specify compo in the -target option and specify get_bp_info in the -operation option.

For details on the cscutil command, see the "cscutil (Various operations)" in "Service Platform Reference Guide".

The execution format of the cscutil command depends on whether you use the property definition file.

When you do not use the property definition file

In the -props option, specify the HCSC server name and the service ID of the business process.

cscutil -user <login user ID> -pass <login password> -mng <Manager name> -target compo -operation get_bp_info -props "CSCSrvName=<HCSC server name>, AdapterName=<service ID of the business process>"

You can use the cscrepls command to check the Manager name, the HCSC server name, and the service ID of the business process specified in the cscutil command. For details on the cscrepls command, see "cscrepls (Displaying the repository information)" in "Service Platform Reference Guide".

When you use the property definition file

Specify the name of the property definition file in the -propfile option. You must create the property definition file beforehand in the J2SE property file format.

cscutil -user <login user ID> -pass <login password> -mng <Manager name> -target compo -operation get_bp_info -propfile <property definition file name>
Important note
  • If you acquire information of an undeployed business process, the character string "null" is displayed.

  • If you execute the cscutil command without specifying the service ID of the business process, information on all the business processes managed by the HCSC server is displayed.

Information output during command execution

The following table lists and describes the output information during command execution. The output information that is not listed in this table is the maintenance information for troubleshooting.

Table 5‒3: Information output by the command for referencing business process information

Output item

Output information

serviceName.<serial number>

Displays the service component name.

adapterName.<serial number>

Displays the service ID of the business process.

cscServerName.<serial number>

Displays the HCSC server name.

ownerCluster name.<serial number>

Displays the cluster name.

serviceKind.<serial number>

Displays the HCSC component type.

In the case of the business process, displays "BusinessProcess".

serviceStatus.<serial number>

Displays the business process status:

  • active (active status)

  • inactive (inactive status)

  • starting (during startup processing)

  • startfailed (startup error)

  • stopping (during stop processing)

  • stopfailed (stop error)

  • deleting (during deletion processing)

  • null (undeployed)

modifiedTime.<serial number>

Displays the time at which the business process is updated (total time in milliseconds since 1970-01-01 at 00:00:00).

entryTime.<serial number>

Displays the time at which the business process is deployed.

lcVersion.<serial number>

Displays the location version number.

lcRevision.<serial number>

Displays the location revision number.