
uCosminexus Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide

5.1.1 Logging In

This subsection describes how to log in to the HCSC server.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Using windows

To log in to the HCSC server using windows in the operating environment:

  1. Start Eclipse.

  2. From the menu, choose HCSC-Manager, then Log in.

    If the current perspective is the HCSC-Manager perspective (if the tree view is displayed), a dialog box to enter the user ID and password is displayed.

    If the current perspective is not the HCSC-Manager perspective (if the tree view is not displayed), a dialog box to confirm whether you want to switch the perspective is displayed. To switch the perspective, choose Yes. If you do not want to switch the perspective, choose No. After this, the dialog box to enter the user ID and password is displayed.

  3. Enter the user ID and password and then click the OK button.

    Once the login procedure has been completed successfully, the configuration and status of the server and HCSC components are displayed in the tree view.

    You can use the cscpasswd command to set and change a user ID and password. For details about how to set and change user IDs and passwords, see 2.4.2 Setting user information. For details about the cscpasswd command, see cscpasswd (Managing users) in the uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide.

(2) Using commands

If you specify the login user name and password in the following parameters in the HCSC-Manager command definition file beforehand, there is no need to specify the login user ID and password when you execute the HCSC-Manager commands:

(3) Notes about login

During execution of any of the commands listed below, the repository used by these commands is locked. Therefore, you cannot log in using windows or commands. In this case, log in after command execution terminates.