
uCosminexus Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide

3.1.14 Deploying a user-defined reception

This subsection describes the preconditions for deploying a user-defined reception in the execution environment, and explains how to deploy the user-defined reception.

Note that the series of processing to deploy and start the HCSC components in the HCSC server, can also be executed in the development environment in a batch. However, batch execution is performed during system development or from unit testing to integration testing. For details, see "7.5 Batch execution of processes for deploying HCSC components on the HCSC Server and then starting" in "Service Platform Basic Development Guide".

Organization of this subsection

(1) Preconditions

To deploy a user-defined reception, the HCSC server in the deployment-destination execution environment must be in a running state.

For details on how to check the status of the HCSC server, see "5.3.15 Checking the HCSC server information".

(2) How to deploy a user-defined receptions

To deploy a user-defined reception, execute the csccompodeploy command in the operating environment.

For details on the csccompodeploy command, see "csccompodeploy (Deploying HCSC components)" in "Service Platform Reference Guide".

The execution format of the command differs depending on whether all the user-defined receptions are deployed in a batch, or only a specified user-defined receptions is deployed.

Important note

When a user-defined reception is deployed, do not use the reception ID of the user-defined reception that only has a difference of case with the service ID of the deployed service adapter and business process, or the reception ID of the user-defined reception. If such a name is used, the user-defined reception cannot be deployed.

(a) To deploy all the user-defined receptions in a batch

Deploy all the user-defined receptions in the HCSC server or cluster in a batch.

The execution format of the command differs depending on whether the deployment destination of the user-defined reception is a single HCSC server, or all the HCSC servers configuring the cluster.

To deploy all the user-defined receptions on a single HCSC server

Execute the command by specifying the name of the HCSC server and the -all option.

All the user-defined receptions, which are not deployed, are deployed on the HCSC server specified in the -csc option (all the service adapters and business processes that are not deployed are also deployed at the same time).

csccompodeploy -user <login user ID> -pass <login password> -csc <HCSC server name> -all
To deploy all the user-defined receptions on all the HCSC servers in the cluster

Execute the command by specifying the cluster name and the -all option.

All the user-defined reception, which are not deployed, are deployed on all the HCSC servers in the cluster specified in the -cluster option (all the service adapters and business processes that are not deployed are also deployed at the same time).

csccompodeploy -user <login user ID> -pass <login password> -cluster <cluster name> -all
Important note

If the service adapters, business processes, and user-defined receptions cannot be deployed because the -all option was specified, even if un-deployed service adapters, business processes, and user-defined receptions exist, they are ignored and the command terminates. After executing the command, use the cscrepls command to check the deployment status.

For details on the cscrepls command, see "cscrepls (Displaying the repository information) " in "Service Platform Reference Guide".

(b) To deploy the specified user-defined reception only

Deploy only the specified user-defined reception in the HCSC server or cluster.

The execution format of the command differs depending on whether the deployment destination of the user-defined reception is a single HCSC server, or all the HCSC servers configuring the cluster.

To deploy the specified user-defined reception on a single HCSC server

Execute the command by specifying the name of the HCSC server and the reception ID of the user-defined reception.

The user-defined reception specified in the -name option is deployed on the HCSC server specified in the -csc option.

csccompodeploy -user <login user ID> -pass <login password> -csc <HCSC server name> -name <reception ID of the user-defined reception>

With the cscrepls command, you can check the HCSC server name and reception ID of the user-defined reception specified in the csccompodeploy command. For details on the cscrepls command, see "cscrepls (Displaying the repository information) " in "Service Platform Reference Guide".

To deploy the specified user-defined reception on all the HCSC servers in the cluster

Execute the command by specifying the cluster name and the reception ID of the user-defined reception.

The specified user-defined reception is deployed on all the HCSC servers in the cluster specified in the -cluster option.

csccompodeploy -user <login user ID> -pass <login password> -cluster <cluster name> -name <reception ID of the user-defined reception>