
uCosminexus Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide

2.1.4 Installing Eclipse

You must install Eclipse to use the screen in the operating environment.

In an environment that uses Service Platform, use the procedure described later to install Eclipse. In an environment that uses Service Architect, use the Eclipse setup functionality to install Eclipse. For details about the Eclipse setup functionality, see the manual Service Platform First Step Guide.

Important note

There is no support for Eclipse other than Eclipse plug-in functionality provided by the application server and Service Platform. User investigates Eclipse usage methods and action methods for errors displayed by Eclipse and takes action.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Preparation before installation

The following preparation is required before installing Eclipse:

(2) Installation procedure

The following points show installation procedures. Installation directory in these procedures are represented as "C:\Eclipse" and directory for operation is represented as "C:\Work".

  1. Obtain the ZIP file of Eclipse 2019-09 or Eclipse 2019-12, and then store it in the work directory. This ZIP file is available from:

    • Attached product CD of Service Architect

    • Eclipse download site

      Select "Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers" from the download site shown in the following URL:

    Select either of the following ZIP files:

    • Windows x64(64 bit version)

    • Windows x64(64 bit version)

  2. Start command prompt and move the current directory to the directory for operation.

    Execution example of command prompt

    cd C:\Work

    Also execute the following command and extract zip file:

    "<Service Platform installation directory>\jdk\bin\jar.exe" xvf <Eclipse zip file name>

  3. Copy the extracted file in the Eclipse installation directory.

    Use explorer and copy all files and directories under C:\Work\eclipse in C:\Eclipse.

  4. Use explorer and delete the directory for operation.

    Note: Since the downloaded file is also deleted, take back up in advance if required.

  5. From the file copied by procedure 3, open eclipse.ini file by editor and add the following 2 options:

    • -vm option

      <Service Platform installation directory>\jdk\bin\javaw.exe

    • -vmargs option


    An example of eclipse.ini file contents after the option is added is described here:

    C:\Program Files\Hitachi\Cosminexus\jdk\bin\javaw.exe
    -Xbootclasspath/a:C:\Program Files\Hitachi\Cosminexus\jaxp\lib\csmjaxp.jar;C:\Program Files\Hitachi\Cosminexus\jaxp\lib\csmstax.jar
  6. Execute the following command and start Eclipse:


    Check that Eclipse is started.

With this, installation of Eclipse is complete.