
uCosminexus Application Server Messages

4.1 Format for describing the messages

The format for describing the messages in this chapter is as follows:

Note that for some messages, Description about the variable value, Description, and Action might not be described.

Each item is described as follows:


This describes the message ID.

The elements configuring a message ID are as follows:


This describes prefixes of the messages output by Cosminexus JMS Provider.


This describes message numbers managed by Cosminexus JMS Provider. A five-digit unique number is attached to each message.


This describes the message level. The message level is indicated by one alphabetic character.

The alphabetic characters indicating the message levels and their meanings are as follows:

E (Error)

This message reports the occurrence of an error-level problem.

When this message is displayed the processing is interrupted.

W (Warning)

This message reports the occurrence of a warning-level problem.

The processing continues even after this message is displayed.

I (Information)

This message reports a system operation.

The processing continues even after this message is displayed.

Q (Question)

This message reports responses of a user for the output message.

When this message is displayed the system waits for the user response.

Message text

This describes the message text output by Cosminexus JMS Provider.

Note that the variable value (value that differs depending upon the status in which the message is output) within the message text is output with the format xx....xx (xx are lower-case alphabetical characters).

Description of variable values

The information displayed in the variable value within the message text is output with the format 'xx....xx: displayed-information' (xx are lower-case alphabetical characters). An example of the format for describing variable values is as follows:


aa....aa: File name Application name


This is the supplementary description of the message, such as the factors responsible for reporting the message and operation of the component software that output the message.


This is the action to be taken by the user. Note that 'Contact maintenance personnel' in the action indicates that maintenance personnel need to contact our helpdesk based on the purchase agreement.