
uCosminexus Application Server Messages

1.1.2 Audit log messages

When executing commands, audit log messages used for system audit are output.

Prefixes of the messages correspond to the component software or the functionality that output the messages. The following table describes the prefixes, classifications, and reference manuals for the audit log messages output by Application Server.

Table 1‒2: Classifications of the messages described in this manual and the corresponding reference sections of messages


Classification of messages

Reference manuals

Reference locations

KAWS10000 to KAWS19999

Audit log messages output by Cosminexus HTTP Server

uCosminexus Application Server Audit Log Messages

Chapter 3

KDJE54100 to KDJE54999

Audit log messages output by Cosminexus Component Container

uCosminexus Application Server Audit Log Messages

Chapter 4

KEOS80000 to KEOS89999

Audit log messages output by Cosminexus Manager

uCosminexus Application Server Audit Log Messages

Chapter 5

KFCT80000 to KFCT99999

Audit log messages output by CTM and PRF

uCosminexus Application Server Audit Log Messages

Chapter 6