
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

A.2 Differences in the JAXB operation

The following table lists and describes the status-wise differences in JAXB operations.

Table A‒2: Differences in JAXB operations (csmxjc command )



Cosminexus XML Processor operations

In version 08-50

In version 08-70 and later versions


If the typesafeEnumClass custom binding exists in a simple XML schema document in which the enumeration facet does not exist

The csmxjc command terminates normally.

An error occurs indicating that the specification of the typesafeEnumClass custom binding is invalid.


When one of the following is satisfied:

  • If generateElementClass="true" or generateElementClass="1" is specified in the globalBindings custom binding

  • If class custom binding is specified in the element element of the XML schema document

The reference property of the element class is annotated by using a data type of the element (@XmlElement or @XmlElements).

Note that the default constructor is not output to the source corresponding to that element.

The reference property of the element class is annotated by using a class type of the element (@XmlElementRef or @XmlElementRefs).

The default constructor is output.


If the class custom binding is specified for the element element in a group element and that group element is referenced from other multiple types

Among the element elements in the group element, the factory method that creates the objects of the elements not specifying the class custom binding is not generated.

Among the element elements in the group element, the factory method that creates the objects of the elements not specifying the class custom binding is generated.


If collectionType="indexed" is specified for globalBindings or property custom binding

The type for the element element of the source generated by the csmxjc command is java.util.List.

The type for the element element of the source generated by the csmxjc command is an array.


If the csmxjc command is executed when the factoryMethod custom binding is specified in the type definition or the anonymous type element definition

An error occurs.

Terminates normally.


If the source generated by the csmxjc command includes the @XmlElementRef annotation type#

The required element is not output.

The required element is output.


If the name element of the @XmlAttribute annotation type is the same as the field name to be generated

The name element is not output.

The name element is output.


The required element of the @XmlElementRef annotation type is now supported in JAXB 2.2.

Table A‒3: Differences in JAXB operations (csmschemagen command)



Cosminexus XML Processor operations

In version 08-50

In version 08-70 and later versions


If @XmlAccessorOrder or @XmlAccessorOrder(XmlAccessOrder.UNDEFINED) is specified in the Java source

The XML schema document created by the csmschemagen command becomes the sequence element.

The XML schema document created by the csmschemagen command becomes the all element.


If @XmlElementDecl is specified in the Java source

The nillable="true" attribute is output to the element element of the global definition for the XML schema document generated by the csmschemagen command.

The nillable="true" attribute is not output to the element element of the global definition for the XML schema document generated by the csmschemagen command.

Table A‒4: Differences in JAXB operations (Runtime)



Cosminexus XML Processor operations

In version 08-50

In version 08-70 and later versions


If a class containing variables of the java.lang.Object type annotated by the @XmlAttribute or @XmlValue annotation types, or a package name containing that class, is specified in the newInstance method for the JAXBContext class

An IllegalAnnotationsException is thrown.

A NullPointerException is thrown.


If the package-info class exists in the package specified in the newInstance method for the JAXBContext class, and if the namespace is specified by using the XmlNs annotation type

The namespace declaration is not output to the XML document that is output with marshal.

The namespace declaration is output to the XML document that is output with marshal.


If an XML document that only contains blank text in the JavaBean property annotated by the @XmlMixed annotation type, is un-marshaled

The text object is not generated in the object generated by un-marshal.

A blank text object is generated.


In a schema validation or event handler, if an Unmarshaller that does not check errors is used to un-marshal a character string for a JavaBean property with a primitive type numeric value

An IllegalAccessError occurs.

Un-marshal processing terminates normally.


If the beforeUnmarshal method or afterUnmarshal method is implemented for the classes mapped to JAXB and if that method throws an exception during un-marshal

Un-marshal processing is interrupted.

An UnmarshalException is thrown and un-marshal processing is interrupted.


If null is specified in the first parameter of the newInstance(Class[], Map<String, ?>) method and newInstance(Class[]) method for the JAXBContext class

A NullPointerException is thrown.

An IllegalArgumentException is thrown.


If a value other than 0, 1, false, and true is specified in the parseBoolean method for the DatatypeConverter class

false is returned.

An IllegalArgumentException is thrown.


If you specify only a space in the parseDecimal method for the DatatypeConverter class

java.lang.NumberFormatException is thrown.

An exception is thrown.


If the value to be un-marshaled in the enum class contains a linefeed or a space

The processing result is invalid.

The value is un-marshaled correctly.