
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

6.21 General XML Processor related notes

This section describes other notes related to general usage of the XML Processor.

Table 6‒47: Notes related to general usage of the XML Processor




When an XML Schema is used for validation processing, exceptions or errors that are not defined in the API specifications might occur due to some factors. With Java programs that use an XML Schema for validation processing, implement exception processing that can catch java.lang.Throwable and take appropriate action, on condition that such exceptions or errors are thrown.


The JAR file provided by XML Processor contains packages whose names begin with the strings listed in 5.2 Package Names Used by Cosminexus XML Processor. If there is a user application that has an implementation that includes the same packages that are provided by XML Processor, the classes of the packages provided by XML Processor are loaded preferentially.

However, do not include such an implementation in the user application if the Sealed attribute is set to true in the manifest file for the JAR file that contains those packages. If you do so, a SecurityException occurs.

For details about package names, see 5.2 Package Names Used by Cosminexus XML Processor.