
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

6.20.1 Common notes

The following table describes the common notes.

Table 6‒43: Notes on JAXB (common)




If you apply the getMessage method to the exception object thrown by the method provided in the JAXB specifications, the return value will become null, and you might not be able to acquire the detailed message. In this case, if you obtain the wrapped exception object by applying the getCause method to the exception object and then apply the getMessage method, you may obtain the detailed message. You can obtain the detailed message by applying the toString method for JAXBException exception and its subclass.


In the JAXB specifications, the operation of the methods, schema compiler, and schema generator might not be defined clearly at some locations. In such cases, the operations depend on the implementation. Also, if null is specified in the argument, and Javadoc describes that an exception other than the NullpointerException exception will occur, but in some cases the NullPointerException exception might occur. Make sure that there is no such situation where the operations that are not regulated are executed by prior checking of arguments.

(Example 1) An exception of a type that is not specified in the exception column of Javadoc (The operation when null is specified in the argument is not regulated and hence NullPointerException occurs) occurs.

(Example 2) The operations are not regulated when marshal or unmarshal is performed using the Java source generated when the operations of the schema compiler are not regulated.


You cannot use the ISO-10646-UCS-4 encoding.


You cannot use an XML document of version 1.1.


You cannot use Unicode supplementary characters.


Java SE 6 does not support JAXB 2.2 by default. Therefore, if you want to use JAXB 2.2 functions on a non-Hitachi JavaVM, specify Cosminexus-installation-destination/jaxp/lib/csmjaxb-api.jar using the Java endorsed standards override mechanism.

For details on how to specify the settings, see the following Oracle website:


A user application cannot include a JAXB1 implementation.