
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

6.19.6 Notes on the Pre-Parse XML document

Table 6‒40: Notes on the high-speed parse support function (Pre-Parse XML document)




There is an upper limit for the length of the element names and attribute names that can be coded in the Pre-Parse XML document. If the length# obtained by adding the number of characters of the longest element name and attribute name coded in the Pre-Parse XML document, exceeds 21,000 characters, the KECX09607-E error occurs, and the process might be interrupted. For details about the message, see 11. KECX (Messages Output by Cosminexus XML Processor) in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Messages.


For example, in the following XML document, the number of characters of the longest element name (element or content) is 7, and the number of characters of the longest attribute name (index) is 5. Therefore, the number of characters obtained by adding these will be 12.
