
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

6.8.6 Other Notes

Table 6‒18: Notes on XSLTC (other notes)




If you use XSLTC, the default error listener throws an exception in case of an error.


When the implementation of the warning or error method on the ErrorListener does not throw an exception and a warning and an error occurs while parsing the stylesheet, the transformation cannot be carried out because a translet cannot be created.


The file name and line number of the file that caused the error may be output before the error ID in the error message.


When the setContentHandler method of the XMLReader class is used to register (into the parser) TemplatesHandler object created by the newTemplatesHandler method of the SAXTransformerFactory class and to perform transformation, an error is not output even if a stylesheet with an error is processed.


If you perform transformation by using SAXTransformerFactory, the error listener is not notified of the stylesheet error, regardless of the error listener setting.


If you perform transformation by using XSLTC, a NullPointerException occurs if #default is specified for both the stylesheet-prefix and result-prefix attributes of the same xsl:namespace-alias element.


If you perform transformation by using XSLTC, when two templates with different import priority have name and match attributes and also the name attributes have the same value, the template that has a lower import priority is ignored.


If you perform transformation by using XSLTC, when the cdata-section-elements attribute of the output properties are set in both the stylesheet and the JAXP interface, the value defined in the stylesheet is overwritten by the value set in the JAXP interface.


If you perform transformation by using XSLTC, when you use URIResolver, which is implemented to return DOMSource created from DocumentFragment, the correct transformation is not performed.


If you specify the HTML output for the output method, when {name()} or {name( . )} is specified for the name attribute of the xsl:element element, the NullPointerException occurs.


If the number of data items in the implementation of XML Processor reaches 65,536 during transformation by using XSLTC, a TransformerException occurs.

Data item in the implementation means data items created when the following processing is performed:

  • An input XML document is loaded.

    One data item is created for every 32,768 nodes (that are equivalent to DOM nodes) of an input XML document.

  • Transformation is performed for an XML document that uses a stylesheet that includes the following items:

    <xsl:variable> or <xsl:param> element in which a node set or result tree fragment (value defined by using a template specified as element content rather than the select attribute) is specified as a variable or parameter (One data item is created each time this element is processed.)