
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

6.7.1 Cases Where XSLT Does Not Report Errors

Table 6‒11: Notes on XSLT (cases where XSLT does not report errors)




If an expression that combines operands other than the node set with | operators is coded in the select attribute of the xsl:copy-of element, the XSLT transformer does not report the error.


When the select attribute of the xsl:for-each element contains a character that is not permitted for the XPath expression, for example, ~ or #, the XSLT transformer does not report the error.


If you specify a character string that does not match the QName rule for the cdata-section-elements attribute of the xsl:output element, the XSLT transformer does not report the error.


If you specify an argument other than character string type for the element-available and function-available functions, the XSLT transformer does not report the error.