
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

6.4 Notes on StAX

The following table lists the notes on StAX.

Table 6‒8: Notes on StAX




The StAX 1.0 specifications include methods for which operations are not clearly defined. The operations of such methods depend on the implementation. Check the arguments beforehand so that there are no undefined operations.

Examples of undefined operations are as follows:

Example 1: An exception of a type that is not described in the Javadoc exception column occurs.

The NullPointerException occurs because the operation to be performed when null is specified in an argument is not defined.

Example 2: An exception occurs because the operations to be performed when methods are invoked in an invalid order are not defined.

An XMLStreamException occurs if you invoke the writeEndDocument method before invoking the writeStartDocument method for the XMLStreamWriter interface.

Example 3: If a method is invoked with arguments that might cause a conflict, the arguments are ignored.

If you specify different element names as arguments in the createStartElement and createEndElement methods for the XMLEventFactory interface, the argument specified in the createEndElement method is ignored.


Some methods of the XMLStreamReader interface have a different description in Javadoc and APIs. Cosminexus XML Processor operates as per the API description.

The methods that have different descriptions and differences are as follows:

The IllegalStateException exception does not occur (not described in Javadoc)
  • getCharacterEncodingScheme()

  • getEncoding ()

  • getVersion()

  • getNamespaceURI()

  • getNamespaceURI(String prefix)

  • getPrefix()

  • standaloneSet()

  • isStandalone()

The thrown exception differs from that in Javadoc (the IllegalStateException exception occurs in Javadoc)
  • getElementText()

  • nextTag()

  • next()



When you specify an XML document with different systemId and stream arguments for the createXMLStreamReader(String systemId, InputStream stream) method of XMLInputFactory

Standard specifications

No operations are defined.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The argument stream is enabled.

However, if the argument stream is null, the argument systemId is enabled.



When you specify an XML document with different systemId and reader arguments for the createXMLStreamReader(String systemId, Reader reader) method of XMLInputFactory

Standard specifications

No operations are defined.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The argument reader is enabled.

However, if the argument reader is null, the argument systemId is enabled.



When you execute the getEventType() method of the interface for the attribute and namespace declarations in the XML document

Standard specifications

Javadoc for XMLStreamReader contains description related to attribute and namespace parsing, but does not clearly define whether parsing-based events will occur.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The ATTRIBUTE event type and NAMESPACE event type are not returned.

Process the attribute and namespace when the START_ELEMENT event type is returned.



When you specify a value exceeding the number of attributes or namespace declarations, in the index argument of the following methods, among the methods of the XMLStreamReader interface:

  • getAttributeLocalName(int index)

  • getAttributeName(int index)

  • getAttributeNamespace(int index)

  • getAttributePrefix(int index)

  • getAttributeType(int index)

  • getAttributeValue(int index)

  • getNamespaceURI(int index)

  • isAttributeSpecified(int index)

Standard specifications

No operations are defined.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The return value for the isAttributeSpecified(int index) method is false.

The return value for the other methods is null.



When you execute the getTextCharacters(int sourceStart, char[] target, int targetStart, int length) method of the XMLStreamReader interface for the COMMENT event type

Standard specifications

The descriptions in Javadoc and XMLStreamReader differ as follows:

  • Javadoc

    Acquire the text related to CHARACTERS, SPACE, or CDATA.

  • XMLStreamReader

    The getTextCharacters method is enabled for the COMMENT event type.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The text related to the COMMENT event is acquired.



When all the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. The getPrefix(String uri) method of the XMLStreamWriter interface is executed.

  2. The namespace of the uri argument in 1. is bound to multiple prefixes.

Standard specifications

No operations are defined.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

One of the bound prefixes becomes the return value.



When all the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. The setPrefix(String prefix, String uri) method of the XMLStreamWriter interface is executed.

  2. The prefix of the prefix argument in 1. is already bound to a different namespace.

Standard specifications

No operations are defined.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

Reset the bind destination prefix for the URI specified in setPrefix.



When all the following conditions are satisfied:

  • The XML document is encoded by using UTF-16BE or UTF-16LE.

  • The encoding specified in the XML declaration is UTF-16.

  • The encoding for the XML document is obtained by using the getEncoding method of XMLStreamReader or the getCharacterEncodingScheme method of StartDocument.

Standard specifications

The standard specifications do not define whether to return the encoding for the XML document or for the XML declaration.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The encoding for the XML document (UTF-16BE or UTF-16LE) is returned instead of the encoding specified in the XML declaration.



When you specify a namespace URI in the arguments of the createStartElement method and the createEndElement method, or the createAttribute method of the XMLEventFactory class

Standard specifications

The standard specifications do not define whether to write the namespace URI specified in the argument as the namespace declaration in the output XML document.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The namespace URI specified in the argument is not written as the namespace declaration in the output XML document.

Use the createNamespace method to explicitly create the namespace declaration.



When you parse an external entity by using the XMLStreamReader interface

Standard specifications

The standard specifications do not define whether to deploy the external entity.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The EntityReference event is not generated.

An event (such as CHARACTERS or START_ELEMENT) is generated for the entity that deploys the entity reference.


You cannot specify "" in the prefix argument of the createAttribute(String prefix, String namespaceURI, String localName, String value) method for the XMLEventFactory class.


Do not specify a string other than a space in the content argument of the createIgnorableSpace(String content) method for the XMLEventFactory class.


The default value of the property in the XMLInputFactory class is true.


To specify null in the following properties of the XMLInputFactory class, use the setEventAllocator method, the setXMLReporter method, or the setXMLResolver method. Do not use the setProperty method.





The specification of the following properties of the XMLInputFactory class is not affected even if you specify false as the value of the property:





If the input XML contains the following elements and attributes in the add(XMLEventReader reader) method of the XMLEventWriter class, the format of output XML and input XML is different:

  • Empty element (example: <element1/>)

  • The encoding attribute of the XML declaration

  • The standalone attribute of the XML declaration

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

  • Only the start and end tags are output for the empty element (example: <element1></element1>).

  • <?xml version="1.0" ?> is output for the XML declaration.


The getNamespaceContext() method returns null for the StartElement event generated by using the createStartElement method of the XMLEventFactory class.


You cannot use the ISO-10646-UCS-4 encoding.


You cannot use XML version 1.1 documents.


You cannot specify supplementary characters in the following parts of StAX:

  • Public identifiers in DTD

  • System identifiers in DTD

  • Entities to be parsed internally

  • Attribute value

  • Comments

  • CData


The Characters event might be reported separately.

The StAX parser can also divide a single string data into multiple strings (chunk) and report data to an application as multiple Characters events. Therefore, you need to be aware that the Characters event occurs continuously on the application side.



When you execute the getName() method of the XMLStreamReader interface for event types other than START_ELEMENT/ END_ELEMENT

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The IllegalArgumentException exception occurs. The IllegalStateException exception does not occur.



When you execute the getPrefix() or getAttributePrefix(int index) methods of the XMLStreamReader interface for the elements without prefixes

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The return value is ""(XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX).



When you use the getAttributeValue(String namespaceURI,String localName) method of the XMLStreamReader interface to specify null in the namespaceURI argument and the local name of the attribute in the localName argument for the attributes with namespaces

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The return value is null. The attribute value is not acquired.



When you execute the getEncoding() method or the getVersion() method of the XMLStreamReader interface for the END_DOCUMENT or the ENTITY_REFERENCE event types

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

For the END_DOCUMENT event type, the NullPointerException exception occurs.

For the ENTITY_REFERENCE event type, the return value is null.



When you execute the isAttributeSpecified(int index) method of the XMLStreamReader interface

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The return values differ as follows:

  • For attributes specified explicitly in the XML document: true

  • For default attributes specified implicitly in DTD: false



When you execute the hasName() method of the XMLStreamReader interface for the ENTITY_REFERENCE event type

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The return value is true.



When you execute the getText() method of the XMLStreamReader interface for the DTD event type

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

"String value of the DOCTYPE declaration" is returned. Same is the case when the DTD internal subset exists. "String value of DTD internal subset" is not returned.



When you execute the getElementText() method of the XMLStreamReader interface for the contents of an element containing an internal entity reference.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The return value is a string with the replacement text of the internal entity reference concatenated twice.



When one of the following conditions is satisfied:

  • An XML document without an ENTITY declaration is read by using the XMLStreamReader interface and the getProperty("") method of the XMLStreamReader interface is executed in the DTD event type.

  • An XML document without a NOTATION declaration is read by using the XMLStreamReader interface and the getProperty("") method of the XMLStreamReader interface is executed in the DTD event type.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The return value is java.util.List without an element.



When all the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. A DTD declaration is specified in a parameter entity definition.

  2. The parameter entity specified in 1. is used in the DOCTYPE declaration.

  3. The XML documents from 1. and 2. are parsed by using StAX.

  4. The DTD declaration text is acquired by using the getText method of XMLStreamReader or by the interface.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The acquired DTD declaration text is invalid.



When an invalid string is specified in the attribute value of the pseudo attribute in the XML declaration

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The exception occurs.

Also, a detailed string might not be output within {} (curly brackets) in the message.


The standalone document declaration value must be "yes" or "no", not "{0}".



When you execute one of the following methods:

  • XMLStreamException.getLocation() method

  • XMLEvent.getLocation() method

  • XMLStreamReader.getLocation() method

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The Location information is obtained as an approximate value for identifying the location where the exception occurred.



When all the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. The XML document contains an element name beginning with: (colon).

  2. The namespace for the StAX parser is enabled.

  3. The XML document from 1. is parsed by using the StAX parser from 2.

Standard specifications

A parsing error occurs.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

Parsing terminates normally.



When you specify true in the standalone parameter of the createStartDocument(String encoding, String version, boolean standalone) method of the XMLEventFactory class

Standard specifications

An XML document is generated with the standalone status true.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The standalone declaration is not generated.



When all the following conditions are satisfied:

  • An XML document without version declaration is parsed with XMLEventReader.

  • The getVersion method of the StartDocument interface is executed

Standard specifications

Returns the default value 1.0.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

Returns null.



When you execute the nextEvent() method of the XMLEventReader class for the following parts in the XML document:

  • Blank string

  • CDATA section

  • Notation declaration

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

  • The blank string becomes the CHARACTERS event type, and not the SPACE event type.

  • The CDATA section becomes the CHARACTERS event type and not the CDATA event type.

  • The NOTATION_DECLARATION event does not occur for the notation declaration.



When you execute the getEventType() method of the XMLStreamReader interface for the following parts in the XML document:

  • Blank string

  • CDATA section

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

Both blank string and CDATA section become the CHARACTERS event type, therefore, process both as CHARACTERS event types.



When all the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. namespaceURI is not bound to a prefix.

  2. 1. is specified in the namespaceURI argument of the following method of the XMLStreamWriter interface:

    writeAttribute(String prefix, String namespaceURI, String localName, String value)

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

Only the attribute is output. The namespace declaration (xmlns:prefix="namespaceURI") is not output.


You cannot use the writeAsEncodedUnicode(Writer writer) method for the following interfaces included in the package:

  • Attribute

  • Characters

  • Comment

  • DTD

  • EndDocument

  • EndElement

  • EntityDeclaration

  • EntityReference

  • Namespace

  • NotationDeclaration

  • ProcessingInstruction

  • StartDocument

  • StartElement

  • XMLEvent


You cannot use the allocate(XMLStreamReader reader, XMLEventConsumer consumer) method of the XMLEventAllocator interface included in the package.


In multi-thread programming, the XMLInputFactory class is not thread-safe. Therefore, make sure that multiple threads do not access the same XMLInputFactory instance concurrently.

Use either of the following methods to avoid competition between threads:

  • Each thread has one XMLOutputFactory instance.

  • Each thread accesses the XMLOutputFactory instance exclusively.


In multi-thread programming, the XMLOutputFactory class is not thread-safe. Therefore, make sure that multiple threads do not access the same XMLOutputFactory instance concurrently.

Use either of the following methods to avoid competition between threads:

  • Each thread has one XMLOutputFactory instance.

  • Each thread accesses the XMLOutputFactory instance exclusively.


In multi-thread programming, the XMLEventFactory class is not thread-safe. Therefore, make sure that multiple threads do not access the same XMLEventFactory instance concurrently.

Use one of the following methods to avoid competition between threads:

  • Each thread has one XMLEventFactory instance.

  • Each thread accesses the XMLEventFactory instance exclusively.


In multi-thread programming, the XMLStreamReader interface is not thread-safe. Therefore, make sure that multiple threads do not use the same XMLStreamReader instance concurrently.

To avoid competition between threads, each thread must have one XMLStreamReader instance.


In multi-thread programming, the XMLStreamWriter interface is not thread-safe. Therefore, make sure that multiple threads do not use the same XMLStreamWriter instance concurrently.

To avoid competition between threads, each thread must have one XMLStreamWriter instance.


In multi-thread programming, the XMLEventReader class is not thread-safe. Therefore, make sure that multiple threads do not use the same XMLEventReader instance concurrently.

To avoid competition between threads, each thread must have one XMLEventReader instance.


In multi-thread programming, the XMLEventWriter class is not thread-safe. Therefore, make sure that multiple threads do not use the same XMLEventWriter instance concurrently.

To avoid competition between threads, each thread must have one XMLEventWriter instance.


The namespace argument of the resolveEntity method for the interface is always null.


Among the return values of the resolveEntity method for the interface, the XMLStreamReader type and the XMLEventReader type objects are not supported.

Standard specifications

These resources have one of the following return value types:





The return value of the getLocation() method for the following events is null:






Among the XMLOutputFactory classes, you cannot specify StAXResult for which the system identifier is not specified in the result argument of the following methods:

  • createXMLEventWriter(Result result)

  • createXMLStreamWriter(Result result)



When all the following conditions are satisfied:

  • true is specified for the property.

  • One of the following methods is executed for the XMLStreamWriter interface:

    writeAttribute(prefix, namespaceURI, localName, value)

    writeStartElement(prefix, localName, namespaceURI)

    writeEmptyElement(prefix, localName, namespaceURI)

  • The namespaceURI argument is the same as the default namespace URI.

  • The prefix argument is neither "" nor null.

Standard specifications

The prefix is not written.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The prefix is written.



When all the following conditions are satisfied:

  • true is specified for the property.

  • One of the following methods is executed for the XMLStreamWriter interface:

    writeAttribute(prefix, namespaceURI, localName, value)

    writeStartElement(prefix, localName, namespaceURI)

    writeEmptyElement(prefix, localName, namespaceURI)

  • The namespaceURI argument is bound, but to a different prefix.

Standard specifications

The prefix is generated randomly.


xmlns:{generated}="namespaceURI" {generated}:localName="value"

<{generated}:localName xmlns:{generated}="namespaceURI">

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

A random prefix is not generated.


xmlns:prefix="namespaceURI" prefix:localName="value"

<prefix:localName xmlns:prefix="namespaceURI">



When all the following conditions are satisfied:

  • The property is not specified, or false is specified.

  • The writeAttribute(prefix, namespaceURI, localName, value) method of the XMLStreamWriter interface is executed.

  • The namespaceURI argument is not bound.

  • The prefix argument is neither "" nor null.

Standard specifications

The namespace declaration is generated.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The namespace declaration is not generated.



When all the following conditions are satisfied:

  • The property is not specified, or false is specified.

  • One of the following methods of the XMLStreamWriter interface is executed:

    writeAttribute(prefix, namespaceURI, localName, value)

    writeStartElement(prefix, localName, namespaceURI)

    writeEmptyElement(prefix, localName, namespaceURI)

  • The namespaceURI argument is bound, but to a different prefix.

Standard specifications

The XMLStreamException exception occurs.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

There is no error. The value is written as follows:

  • prefix:localName="value"

  • <prefix:localName>



When all the following conditions are satisfied:

  • The property is not specified, or false is specified.

  • One of the following methods of the XMLStreamWriter interface is executed:

    writeAttribute(prefix, namespaceURI, localName, value)

    writeStartElement(prefix, localName, namespaceURI)

    writeEmptyElement(prefix, localName, namespaceURI)

  • The namespaceURI argument is the same as the default namespace URI.

  • The prefix argument is neither "" nor null.

Standard specifications

The prefix is not written.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The following prefixes are written:

  • prefix:localName="value"

  • <prefix:localName>



When all the following conditions are satisfied:

  • The property is not specified, or false is specified.

  • The writeAttribute(prefix, namespaceURI, localName, value) method of the XMLStreamWriter interface is executed.

  • The namespaceURI argument is the same as the default namespace URI.

  • The prefix argument is "" or null.

Standard specifications

The prefix is not written.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The XMLStreamException exception occurs.



When all the following conditions are satisfied:

  • true is specified for the property.

  • The writeEmptyElement(prefix, localName, namespaceURI) method of the XMLStreamWriter interface is executed.

  • The prefix argument is "".

Standard specifications

If prefix == "" || null, the value is processed as the default namespace. The prefix is not generated or written.

If namespaceURI is not bound, the xmlns declaration is generated or written.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The prefix is generated randomly. The value is not processed as the default namespace.



When you specify an XML document for which ISO-10646-UCS-2 is specified in the encoding argument and the encoding pseudo attribute ISO-10646-UCS-2 is specified in the stream argument of the following methods of the XMLInputFactory class:

  • createXMLEventReader(stream, encoding)

  • createXMLStreamReader(stream, encoding)

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The exception occurs.


Process by using the createXMLEventReader or createXMLStreamReader methods in which encoding is not specified.



When all the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. The getNamespaceContext() method of the StartElement event is used to obtain NamespaceContext.

  2. The namespace URI of xml and xmlns prefixes is obtained for NamespaceContext acquired in 1.

Standard specifications

  • The prefix xml is bound to

  • The prefix xmlns is bound to

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The namespace context does not have information on xml and xmlns prefix.


When an XML document is read with XMLEventReader, irrespective of the presence or absence of the standalone attribute, the return value of the standaloneSet() method of the StartDocument event is true.

Standard specifications

The return value is true only if the standalone attribute is set up in the encoding declaration of the XML document.


The getEntities() and getNotations() methods of the DTD event always return null.


You can access the information by using the and properties. For details, see Javadoc for XMLStreamReader.



When you specify a type for which the system identifier is not specified for the createXMLEventReader(Source source) or createXMLStreamReader(Source source) methods of the XMLInputFactory class. The applicable types are as follows:

  • DOMSource

  • SAXSource

  • StAXSource

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

The XMLStreamException exception occurs.


The return value of the getProcessedDTD() method of the DTD event is always null.


The return value of the getNamespaces() method of the Endelement event is always a blank Iterator.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

An out-of-range namespace Iterator is returned.



When all the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. The character data in an XML document contains an independent end of CDATA section delimiter ("]]>").


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>


  2. The character data from 1. is read by using the XMLStreamReader or XMLEventReader interface and the following syntax parsing event is acquired by using the next() method.

Standard specifications

The XMLStreamException exception is thrown from the XMLStreamReader interface or XMLEventReader interface.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

For the XMLStreamReader interface

The execution result of the getTextXXXX() method that can be executed when the event type of the XMLStreamReader interface is CHARACTERS, contains ]]>.

If you execute the getText() method, a string containing ]]> is returned.

If you execute the getTextCharacters() method, an array containing '] ''] ''>' is returned.

If you execute the getTextCharacters(int sourceStart, char[] target, int targetStart, int length) method, '] ''] ''>' is included in the char array target.

If you execute the getTextLength() method, the length of the string that contains ]]> is returned.

For the XMLEventReader interface

If you execute the getData() method for the Characters object returned by the nextEvent() method, a string containing ]]> is returned.


If the output encoding is not specified in the createXMLEventWriter(OutputStream stream) and createXMLStreamWriter(OutputStream stream) methods of the XMLOutputFactory class, XMLEventWriter, and XMLStreamWriter are output by using the default system character code.


The execution results of the createStartDocument() method of the XMLEventFactory class are same as when UTF-8 is specified in the encoding argument of the createStartDocument(String encoding, ...) method.



When all the following conditions are satisfied:

  • The output encoding specified in the createXMLEventWriter and createXMLStreamWriter methods of the XMLOutputFactory class is not UTF-8 or UTF-16.

  • An XML document containing a 2-byte code is output with the created XMLEventWriter and XMLStreamWriter.

  • The encoding specified for the XML document to be output satisfies either of the following conditions:

    The output encoding specified in the createXMLEventWriter method of the XMLOutputFactory class does not match the encoding pseudo attribute of the output XML declaration specified in the createStartDocument method of the XMLEventFactory class.

    The encoding argument is not specified in the writeStartDocument method of the XMLStreamWriter interface.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

An invalid XML document with an output encoding other than UTF-8 and UTF-16, and without the encoding pseudo attribute is output.


Specify UTF-8 in the encoding specification of the createXMLEventWriter method and the createXMLStreamWriter method for the XMLOutputFactory class.



When all the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. Boolean.FALSE is set in the property of XMLOutputFactory.

  2. XMLStreamWriter or XMLEventWriter is created from XMLOutputFactory described in step 1.

  3. StAXResult is created from XMLStreamWriter or XMLEventWriter described in step 2.

Operations of Cosminexus XML Processor

When StAXResult created with the above conditions is specified as an argument in either of the following methods, and an XML document including a namespace declaration is processed, an XMLStreamException exception occurs:

  • validate(Source source, Result result) method of the javax.xml.validation.Validator class

  • transform(Source source, Result result) method# of the javax.xml.transform.Transformer class

    # However, this method is applicable only in the case of an identity transformation without using style sheets.


Specify Boolean.TRUE in the property of XMLOutputFactory.