
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

5.6.2 XML Document to Use (purchaseOrder.xml and purchaseOrder-fail.xml)

Cosminexus XML Processor provides the following types of XML documents for validation by the XML Schema:

  1. XML document that is validated successfully (purchaseOrder.xml)

  2. XML document that fails validation (purchaseOrder-fail.xml)

Organization of this subsection

(1) XML document (purchaseOrder.xml)

The following shows an XML document (purchaseOrder.xml) that is validated successfully.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <po:shipTo age="20">
    <psd:address country="US">
      <psd:street>Universal street 100</psd:street>
  <po:billTo age="20">
    <psd:address country="US">
      <psd:street>Times Square 555</psd:street>
      <psd:city>New York</psd:city>
      <psd:state>New York</psd:state>
    <po:credit year="2007" month="10">
      <po:creditHolder>Jane Doe</po:creditHolder>
          productID="DTPC2000S">DeskTop PC</po:productName>
          productID="DC500MP">Digital Camera</po:productName>

(2) XML document (purchaseOrder-fail.xml)

The following shows a fragment of an XML document (purchaseOrder-fail.xml) that fails validation.

    <po:credit year="2007" month="10">
      <po:creditHolder>Jane Doe</po:creditHolder>

This XML document is identical with the one described in 5.6.2 (1) XML document (purchaseOrder.xml) except for the definition of the credit number starting with <po:creditNumber>. An 18-digit number is used as the value for the credit number starting with <po:creditNumber>. However, the sample schema document defines the credit number as 16 digits, resulting in an error at the time of validation.