
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

5.1.1 Procedure for creating a program using Cosminexus XML Processor

The following figure shows the general procedure for creating a program by using Cosminexus XML Processor:

Figure 5‒1: Procedure for creating a program using Cosminexus XML Processor


Organization of this subsection

(1) Deciding which package to use

Cosminexus XML Processor provides the packages defined in the JAXP specification, the packages of XSLTC transformer function, and the packages defined in the JAXB specification. When creating a program, select a suitable package for use with the program.

For instance, use DOM when it is necessary to maintain the XML document in memory to change its structure or perform complex operations; use SAX when the processing is performed while interactively parsing the XML document, and use XSLT when the XML document is transformed into any other format such as HTML.

For details about packages provided in the JAXP specifications, see 2.2 JAXP-defined Packages and Their Functionality, for packages of the XSLTC transformer function, see 3.2.3 Class Used by the XSLTC Transformer, and for packages stipulated in the JAXB specifications, see 2.4 JAXB-defined Packages and Their Functionality.

(2) Creating source files

After deciding the package to use, create source files using the classes and interfaces contained in each package.

(3) Creating an executable file

Create an executable file from the source files you created.

To create an executable file, you need to compile the created source files by the javac command and link any libraries necessary for the classes and interfaces to be used.

(4) Executing the program

Execute the program you have compiled.