
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

3.8.3 Items that can be restricted

This section shows the items on which this functionality can place restrictions. The limit values can be changed for these items.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Restrictions on entities

XMLP provides functions that place restrictions on expansion of entities. The following items can be restricted:

(a) Number of times an entity reference is expanded

The number of times an entity reference is expanded can be limited. If a violation of this restriction occurs during XML parsing, a KECX01225-E error is reported as an error notification (fatalError event) or exception.

The following shows an example of XML code subject to the restriction on the maximum number of times an entity reference is expanded.

<!DOCTYPE root [
 <!ENTITY x3 "abc">
 <!ENTITY x2 "&x3;&x3;">
 <!ENTITY x1 "&x2;&x2;">

In the preceding example, the number of times an entity reference is expanded is seven (&x1; &x2; &x3; &x3; &x2; &x3; &x3;).

(b) String length of a general entity

The string length of a general entity can be limited. If a violation of this restriction occurs during XML parsing, a KECX01232-E error is reported as an error notification (fatalError event) or exception.

The following shows an example of XML code subject to the restriction on the maximum string length of a general entity.

<!DOCTYPE root [
 <!ENTITY GE4 "hijk">
 <!ENTITY GE3 "abcd">
 <!ENTITY GE2 "efgh&GE3;ijk">
 <!ENTITY GE1 "lmn">

In the preceding example, the functionality performs a length check on GE1 and GE2, which reference entities. For entity GE1, the length of the string lmn (3 characters) is checked. For entity GE2, the length of the string efghabcdijk (11 characters), which results from expansion of GE3, is checked. The length of GE3 itself is not checked. No length check is performed on GE4, for which no entity reference occurs.

(c) String length of a parameter entity

The length of a parameter entity after expansion can be limited. If a violation of this restriction occurs during XML parsing, a KECX01232-E error is reported as an error notification (fatalError event) or exception.

The following shows an example of XML code subject to the restriction on the maximum string length of a parameter entity.

<!ENTITY % PE2 "abcd">
<!ENTITY % PE1 "%PE2;efgh">
<!ENTITY GE1 "ij">
<!ENTITY % PEG1 "&GE1;klmn">
<!ENTITY % PEEXT SYSTEM "ext.xml">

In the preceding example, the functionality performs length checks as follows: For parameter entity PE1, the length of the string abcdefgh (8 characters), which results from expansion of parameter entity PE2, is checked. For parameter entity PE2, the length of the string abcd (4 characters) is checked. For PEG1, which is a parameter entity that references general entity GE1, the length of the string &GE1;klmn (9 characters) is checked. This is because a general entity referenced by a parameter entity is not expanded. No length check is performed on PEEXT, which is an external parameter entity that is not referenced.

(d) Total string length of expanded general entities and parameter entities

The total length of expanded general entities and parameter entities can be limited. If a violation of this restriction occurs during XML parsing, a KECX01233-E error is reported as an error notification (fatalError event) or exception.

The following shows an example of XML code subject to the restriction on the total length of expanded general entities and parameter entities.

<!ENTITY GE3 "abcd">
<!ENTITY GE2 "efgh&GE3;ijk">
<!ENTITY GE1 "lmn">
<!ENTITY % PE2 "abcd">
<!ENTITY % PE1 "%PE2;efgh">

In the preceding example, if only general entities GE1 and GE2 are referenced, the total length of the expansion results of GE1 and GE2 (referenced general entities) and PE1 and PE2 (defined parameter entities) is 26 as follows:

  • GE1: lmn (number of characters: 3)

  • GE2: efghabcdijk (number of characters: 11)

  • PE1: abcdefgh (number of characters: 8)

  • PE2: abcd (number of characters: 4)

(2) Restrictions on an XML schema content model

This functionality can place a restriction on the maximum number of nodes that are created in an XML schema content model. If a violation of this restriction occurs during XML parsing, a KECX06248-E error is reported as an error notification (fatalError event) or exception. The following shows an example of an XML schema subject to the restriction on the maximum number of nodes created in the XML schema content model.

  <xsd:sequence maxOccurs="2">
    <xsd:element name="child" maxOccurs="1500"/>

As shown in the preceding example, if a large value is specified for maxOccurs in a complex-type global definition (outermost defined <xsd:complexType>) in an XML schema, an error occurs. Even if the value of maxOccurs is smaller than the limit value, the internal counter might exceed the limit value, depending on the conditions such as the nesting depth and the settings of other maxOccurs attributes specified elsewhere. If the limit value is exceeded in this case, an error occurs.