
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

3.7.2 Usage of the Parser Switching functionality

The Parser Switching functionality includes the XML implementation used in an application and is set up in the following J2EE server definition files:

For details on these files, see 2. Files Used in J2EE Servers in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

The storage locations of these files are as follows:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Including the XML implementation

To include the XML implementation, you store the XML implementation under the library JAR of a J2EE application, or WEB-INF/lib of a Web application that will switch the implementation. If you want to switch the XML implementation with multiple applications, include the XML implementation in the applications. For details on the library JAR, see 2.3.3 J2EE applications and J2EE component in the uCosminexus Application Server System Design Guide.

Note that in the local call optimization functionality of Component Container, if all is specified in the optimization scope, see the notes described in 3.7.4(5) Notes on using the local call optimization functionality of Component Container.

(2) Setting up the user property file for J2EE servers

The user property file for J2EE servers ( defines the system properties to be specified for starting a J2EE server. To use the Parser Switching functionality, you must specify the properties described in the following table in the user property file for J2EE servers, according to the target XML implementation type.

Table 3‒10: Properties to be specified in the user property file for J2EE servers

API type

Property name







The following table describes the values that can be specified in these properties and their meanings.

Table 3‒11: Set values and meanings of the properties

Set value of the property



The process switches to the XML implementation that includes the XML implementation for APIs.

false (Default value)

The XML implementation provided by XML Processor will be used.

(3) Setting up the security policy file for J2EE servers

To start a J2EE server without specifying the -nosecurity option (releasing SecurityManager), you specify the following settings in the security policy file for J2EE servers (server.policy) depending on the API type: