
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

3.6 Correspondence Between Error Messages in XML Schema and W3C Specifications

Each error message output by Cosminexus XML Processor is provided with an identifier to identify the associated W3C specification. This is to provide consistent error information for the syntax error in the schema documents and the validation error in XML documents.

The list of error message identifiers is found in Part1: Structure Appendices C of the W3C XML Schema specification.

For example, if character-string data is specified in an XML document even though the integer data type (xsd:integer) is defined for an element in the schema document, the following message is output:


In this message, the identifier is cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1. This indicates a violation of the rule described in 1.2.1 of Validation Rule:Datatype Valid.