
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

3.4.2 Flow of operations for high-speed parse

This subsection describes the flow of operations executed by the users when the high-speed parse support function is executed by describing the code in the user program.

Figure 3‒6: Flow of operations for using the high-speed parse support function


Each operation is as follows:

  1. Creating a Pre-Parse XML document

    Create the Pre-Parse XML document considering the structural features of the XML document for parsing. For details about the policies for creating the Pre-Parse XML document, see 3.4.3 Creating the Pre-Parse XML document.

  2. Generating a preparsed object

    Parse the Pre-Parse XML document, and then generate the preparsed object. For details about how to generate the preparsed object, see 3.4.4 Generating the preparsed object.

  3. Setting up the preparsed object

    Set up the preparsed object in an XML parser of Cosminexus XML Processor. For details about how to set up the preparsed object, see 3.4.5 Setting up the preparsed object.

  4. Parsing the XML document

    Parse the XML document by the parse method of the XML parser in which the preparsed object is set up. For details about the parse methods for high-speed parse support function, see 3.4.6 Parsing the XML document.

  5. Tuning the Pre-Parse XML document

    Tune the Pre-Parse XML document as and when required. The parsing speed can be improved furthermore by optimizing the Pre-Parse XML document after examining the tuning information. For details about how to tune the Pre-Parse XML document, see 3.4.9 Tuning the Pre-Parse XML document.

For details about coding examples to be described in the user program for using the high-speed parse support function, see 3.4.8 Coding example for using the high-speed parse support function.