
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

2.3 About JAXB

JAXB (The Java Architecture for XML Binding) is a standard XML API for the Java language defined in JSR 222 of Java Community Process.

For details on the JAXB functions provided by Cosminexus XML Processor, see Appendix B Support Range of JAXB Specifications.

JAXB contains APIs for generating Marshaller and Unmarshaller. These APIs do not depend on the implementation of JAXB. JAXB also contains a schema compiler and schema generator. The Java class and schema document generated by the schema compiler and schema generator are not dependent on the implementation of JAXB. Thus, you need not be aware of the implementation of the XML processor used, when creating a program for processing or operating an XML document. Therefore, cross-platform programs can be created.