
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

2.2.1 javax.xml.parsers Package

The javax.xml.parsers package provides APIs for parsing with a DOM parser and SAX parser.

Figures 2-1 and 2-2 show the flow of processing for applications that perform a DOM parse analysis and a SAX parse analysis respectively.

Figure 2‒1: Flow of processing for applications that perform a DOM parse


Figure 2‒2: Flow of processing for applications that perform a SAX parse


It is also possible to generate a SAX parser with the XMLReaderFactory class.

For details on the javax.xml.parsers package, see Chapter 7. Package javax.xml.parsers in the documentation for JSR 206 Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) 1.4.

For details on the coding samples that perform a DOM parse, see 5.4 Sample Program that Uses the DOM Parser. For details on the coding samples that perform a SAX parse, see 5.5 Sample Program that Uses the SAX Parser.