
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

1.1.4 Improves the ease in development of XML-based applications

Cosminexus XML Processor provides the implementation of JAXB. When a schema document is input to the schema compiler, a Java class for accessing the XML document that is defined in the schema document is generated. If you use the created Java class, you can easily develop XML-based applications. The following figure shows the flow of processing XML using JAXB:

Figure 1‒3: Flow of processing XML using JAXB (new development)


If the Java class is input to the schema generator, a schema document equivalent to the data structure of the Java class is generated. Therefore, you can easily build XML-based applications by leveraging the Java class that is an existing resource. The following figure shows the flow of building an XML-based application in an existing Java class by using JAXB:

Figure 1‒4: Flow of processing XML using JAXB (leveraging an existing Java class)
