
uCosminexus Application Server HTTP Server User Guide

I. Using the management portal to build a logical Web server that uses a reverse proxy and the prefork MPM module

When you build a logical Web server by using the management portal in the UNIX version of HTTP Server, you can build two types of logical Web server depending on the method of linkage with the J2EE server. If you use a reverse proxy for linkage, the worker MPM module is embedded in the logical Web server that is built. If you use a redirector for linkage, the prefork MPM module is embedded in the logical Web server that is built. This appendix describes how to build a logical Web server that uses a reverse proxy and the prefork MPM module.

The following procedure assumes that the host in the management domain is defined and the performance tracer is set up:

  1. See 9.10.1 Adding Web servers in the uCosminexus Application Server Management Portal User Guide. As described in (2) Display procedure, display the Add Web Servers window. Then, when you add a Web server as described in (3) Operation procedure, in the J2EE Server Linkage field, select Redirector, and then click the Add button.

  2. Set up the Web server that you added in step 1. For details about the procedure, see 9.11 Setting up all logical servers at one time in the uCosminexus Application Server Management Portal User Guide.

  3. See 10.9.1 Setting up a Web server in the uCosminexus Application Server Management Portal User Guide. As described in (2) Display procedure, display the Web Server Settings window. Click the Browse Settings File button, and then edit the settings displayed in Contents of Settings File. The procedure for editing the settings is as follows:

    • Add the settings for the reverse proxy that links with the J2EE server. For details, see 4.7 Setting the reverse proxy. The following shows an example of the reverse proxy settings.


      LoadModule proxy_module libexec/
      LoadModule proxy_http_module libexec/
      ProxyPass /
      ProxyPassReverse /
    • If the following entry is defined, delete it: Include "Application-Server-installation-directory/CC/web/redirector/servers/logical-Web-server's-real-server-name/mod_jk.conf"

    • If you want to change the other Web server settings, edit the settings in Contents of Settings File as necessary. When you have edited the settings completely, select Directly edit the contents of the settings file in the window, and then click the Apply button.

  4. See 10.9.2 Setting up a redirector (if a redirector is used) in the uCosminexus Application Server Management Portal User Guide. As described in (2) Display procedure, display the Set Redirector window. In Performance tracer to be used, set the performance tracer to be used, and then click the Apply button.

  5. Distribute the settings that you specified in the preceding steps to the servers. For details about the procedure, see 10.10 Distributing a settings file to logical servers in the uCosminexus Application Server Management Portal User Guide.

The procedure for building a logical Web server that uses a reverse proxy and the prefork MPM module is now complete.