
uCosminexus Application Server HTTP Server User Guide

C.4 HA monitor settings

This section explains how to specify HA monitor settings for HTTP Server and related programs if needed. For more information and points not covered here, see the manual HA Monitor.

To specify HA monitor settings for HTTP Server.

  1. Configure the HA monitor environment.

  2. Create a script that monitors HTTP Server, as well as start and stop scripts, and distribute them to the systems as necessary.

  3. Configure the environment for the HA monitor that is associated with HTTP Server.

  4. Start HA monitor. Then, use HA monitor commands to start HTTP Server.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Creating start and stop scripts

You need to create and store start and stop scripts for HA monitor to be able to start and stop HTTP Server.

(a) Example of a start script

/opt/hitachi/httpsd/sbin/httpsdctl start

(b) Example of a stop script

/opt/hitachi/httpsd/sbin/httpsdctl stop

(2) Configuring the environment for HA monitor that supports HTTP Server

In the file servers under the directory for the HA monitor environment configuration, set up the server configuration. In this file, you can set up a start script, stop script, and monitoring commands.

(a) Example of an environment configuration

An example of an environment configuration for servers is given below. For parameters and details on the settings, see the manual HA Monitor.

/* example of environment configuration for servers (example for active system) */                                            
       server  name                   /home/work/, /* start script */
               alias                  HWS,                                         
               acttype                monitor,                                     
               termcommand            /home/work/,  /* stop script */
               switchtype             switch,                                      
               initial                online,                  /* configuration for active system */
               patrolcommand          /home/work/httpsd_monitor, /* monitoring command */
               servexec_retry         2,                                           
               waitserv_exec          yes;                                         

(3) Notes

When an active system is switched to another system, normal HTTP connections and connections using SSL are all disconnected, and these are not taken over by the standby system. In this case, the clients need to be reconnected.